Wednesday, June 08, 2011

I think I owe myself...

a happy time for ME and ME.. 

you know ever since I seriously active in Amway,  I have neglected myself err and my house chores as well. No no, i am exactly not the type of person who hungers for people to be my downline, tak tak, tak, my time was purely sitting in front of the computer and hunt for the opportunities.. 

Ye lah, Amway kan tak  bagi advertise product dekat blog or in public secara terang-terangan.. so we have to be creative.. Everyday every one needs to make a decision, and some of the decision they need someone to help, and sometimes the solutions are the products :D yes, that is how i grabbed those opportunities... not bad jugak, at least everyday ade la orang memesan.. when they started to love using the products then the opportunities to be my downline grows, setakat ni tak de lagi orang yang nak berbusiness pun, just merely nak dapat harge member price.... cam gitu gitu lah..

and above all, I am happy with that.. even though ade yang "kesian" i buat Amway.. but why aaa kesian? :) and of course tak kurang juga minta i jumpe untuk dengar other MLM.. honestly, I go for products and I have used Amway since 2004 and my mum has used some of it during her years mase belajar dekat States dulu.. only last three months jer I seriously active untuk berjualan.. so yaa.. im quite comfortable with Amway and have no intention to switch to others at the moment... :)

I think now it is about time for me to spare some time on what I love to do, blogging and main contest..  i missed laaaa.. i love the circle of friends that I have in blogging world and I certainly missed their ramblings.

and I love to wait for Mr. Postman or courier services to appear on my phone screen and berkate "Puan Amira ade rumah ke, saya nak hantar barang ni".. dah lame laa tak pegang hadiah hehehe.. Geram jer aku tengok si Wan , si Ayu, Devi, Suzie ni menang hadiah hahahaha dush ke debush.. bagus jugak depa menang hadiah kan, so semangat nak masuk tu, tinggi sikit.. baru baru ni, Wan menang RM1,800 jam tangan Guess kan? and I was like WOW!! but anyway, those ladies are hardcore compers.. kalau i active pun, still cannot beat their "keaktifan"..

and now I started to watch those Facebook contest.. :D

err.. and honestly now i dah cube call balik those yang nak volunteer for MALAYSIA Giveaway.. hari tu i tanye siape nak volunteer, ade lah dua tiga orang, sekali i pulak yang senyap.. ish ish ish..

the bottom line "Mira you need to know the skill of multitasking"...

Sekian, terima kasih 



  1. ur emir sgt lah comel.. mcm mat salleh.. heee

  2. nak try join contest, tapi selalu pikir ah kompom kau kalah punye ayien..tak payah ngade2 lah nak join..huhhu..

  3. i baru jer start active balik esp magz contest, harap2 sangkutlaf few :) :)

  4. yess... sile start blogging balik.. lame dh aku tak baca entry2 ko... =p

  5. mira- to be "multitasking" memang kena pandai manage time. It's not easy..sometimes perkara yang betul2 u tak boleh buat u kena let go...letak mana yang penting paling atas sekali dan ianya perlu for me mmg hari2 i akan senaraikan things to do..dan try buat semua..klu tak bring forward... :)

  6. yes mira,rasenye i missed mira yg genius buat Msia GA nye blog tuh ;0


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