Thursday, June 16, 2011

My first time and it was a BIG surprise!!!!

My very FIRST visit to Carrefour Kota Damansara, I was totally "AMAZED" to witness the crowd....

even we first arrived and parked our car, I memang asked my hubby - "Carrefour ni baru bukak ke?", ye lah... only few rows of cars and at that time, we didnt get any hassle to park our car near the entrance... terkezutt ok!!!

to add some more surprised... tenants pun tak dak!! and yang ade pun tengah "MOVING OUT SALE"

even more SURPRISED, hypermarket pun lengang!!!!! so badd aa Carrefour business here in Kota Damansara..

I asked one of the cashier how long this Carrefour operates. She said one year. I asked about the crowd, and she said YES, this is the crowd, banyak sikit je mase weekend..

at least after this, I know laa kalau nak aman dan sentosa shopping barang dapur, datang je sini.. :D



  1. bagus kalu bwk sopia jln2 kt sini.... luas sikit die nk berlari.. hahahha.. camtu time nak bayo pun xde la nk beratur panjang kn... best best..

  2. my port bila berbanjer brg dapur..ank ilang oun sng carik..

  3. For shoppers who want peaceful shopping can try this place lah..

  4. tak pasti pernah pg ke tidak. wan ni jenis susah nak ingt jalan. sbb tu xpernah berani driving snediri hahah... mmg besh nk shopping time lenggang gini. xde la tension nak beratur tunggu troli kosong cam kat carefour midvalley tu huhu

  5. oooo..kot2 lps ni kena tutup plak sbb tak untung heheh

  6. tol tu mira, kita pernah pi k4 kat KD tu, memang sunyi sepi sebab jauh sangat ke dalam, kalo Giant KD memang ramai orang, kita pernah interview orang KFC kat situ, dia cakap leh kira berapa ramai je pelanggan yang datang, parking pun banyak giler

  7. dah few times datang c4 ni.. memang lengang je.. tapi suka! sebab mmg tak suka tempat ramai2 org, dgn beratur panjang semua.. ni memang aman damai =D
    oo harap2 jangan la ditutup c4 ni =D

  8. wow.....boleh pilih barang sesuka hati dgn lamanya..xpayah beratur lelama kat kaunter cashier nnti

  9. heaven nihhh,xyah rebut2 time promo susu n pampers!

  10. tah tah mira lps ni tutup sbb tak leh tanggung expenses....ehm....tpi best sbb aman damai...

  11. carrefour ni dah dekat betol dgn my parents' house tau mira ;)

    memang sentiasa lengang. i think its a matter of time till dia close for business laa. oh well, lets just enjoy it till it does, kan

  12. kan, memang terkejut.. kemungkinan besar lepas ni mira pergi sini je lah.. tapi the problem is, husband mira suke betul dengan tesco :)

  13. yup setuju. i love going here too. much less crowded.


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