Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pontian's wedding...

It was my first time to reach Pontian and errr few times for Mr. Hubby. So, Pontian is a new town for me.. Thank God we had this kenduri kawin, else I dont think I have another chance to visit Pontian...

We started our journey as early as 8 am from Malacca, convoyed together with hubby's brother and his family. It took us about 2.5 hours to reach there.. couldnt comment and share my view that much since errrrr I was sleeping through out the way hehehe.. Emir pun (alaa saje je tak nak kasik sorang2 tido kan) hehe

Pengantin nya adalah sepupu Emran, yang perempuan tu name nyer Farha (cousin Emran) dan laki nyer name nyer One - (banner besarr2 tulis Farha & One) hehe.. cantik kan Farha ni ..

and it was Emir's first time dengar kompang.. huhu kesian anak I okeh, dah 5 tahun baru nak kenai kompang.. tengok la muke dia, cuak cuak

Emir's picture before he threw his tantrum.... ntah ape tak kene tak tau laa, penat kot kan.. 

anyway, one thing that all of us should learn especially when you have a family, make yourself available to attend family's gathering or ceremony, sebab nowadays, sedara semua dok jauh-jauh kan, nak jumpe pun susah, so the only way we can let our child(ren) know his cousins, adalah dengan bawak dia pergi kenduri-kendara macam ni..

Anyway, telah jelas dan terbukti laki I dah pencen amik gambar.. tengok laa gambar2 yang dia amik ni, macam bese-bese je kan.. :D

Farha's family with her future stepmother.. insyaAllah...

familia..... gambar Emran kene potong, kamera tak muat..besar sangat heheheheeh :p



  1. Betul mira. Kene make ourself available to attend any family functions. I dulu jenis mls sket mende2 gini. Lucky for me sbb my husband jenis beratkan attend this type of event n lame2, im enjoying every piece of it :)

  2. true! mmg beza sangat pic ni.. x mcm yg biasa ur hubby amek... I rajin pegi acara famili sbb my mom dari kecik dah biasakan.. so kalo ada yg i dpt pegi akan rs cam x best gitu..

    pontian is smwhere i rasa jaaaauh sgt baru sampai.

  3. mira, next year bln 6 will go again to Pontian, aritu pegi anta kezen tunang.
    tp town die oklah kan..byk buah nenas,hehehe

  4. bln 9 my BIL kawin dgn org johor :)

  5. its really good that u rajin pegi weddings ni, mira. really admire that!

    heehheehe kelakar btol encik emran ni dah pencen ambik gambar... dulu gambar gambar dia canggih btol

  6. pakai point & shoot lah... ade lah limitation die.. :P


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