Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Bag - the traveling bag

It is so good to receive something as a gift where we really in need to have it. Yes, im talking about this bag. The bag that i won from MBO contest - Tom Yum Goong 2. Of cos, I was hoping to win the Grand Prize which was a trip for 2 to Hong Kong but, this is still best tau.. sebab selalunya menang contest movie dapat merchandise saja..

I was packing our stuff to Langkawi , sekali nampak tag ni..

Wow, this bag cost RM1,139 - wallahualam lah betul ke tak, but looking at the quality of the bag.. im sure it will cost more than rm500.. 

brand Ace. honestly first time dengar.. 

and yes, this is the bag.. luas beg ni.. tiga orang punya baju semua muat.. dah selamat pergi dan balik beg ni dari Langkawi.. will be using this bag more frequent after this-- defnitely!!

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