Friday, March 23, 2012

Rezeki Shutterstock

.. I was explaining to my colleague on how does Shutterstock's work..

tengah rancak berborak.. tetiba perasan ada satu belian baru..

i think this is his first video being purchased..

--tak boleh nak copy video tu ---

video orang tengah buat batik...

Hubby ambik dekat Malacca Batik House

the duration of the video is only 32 seconds..


hubby will receive USD20.63 :D

interested nak join Shutterstock..???


  1. terlalu bnyk libatkn copyright. dlu pernah plan nk jual vector drawing kat situ tp ble ada kes manupulate mcm, ble dah beli dgn kita dia upload share utk up traffik website dorg. sbb tu xberapa suka nk sharing softcopy design. tp USD20++ tu mmg masyukkkk!

  2. bestnyerrrrrrrrrrr.. wan janganlah letak yg kita rasa kita nak simpan & tak mo org amik utk keuntungan org lain ..letaklah yg kita rasa kita ok kalau public nak amik pun... . once dah letak; lebih kurang dah macam public domain nanti..

  3. ila suka.. nanti ila cuba ek..ila rsa mcm ada ila registerla pastu dah lupa..pestime mira citer ila dah buka account rasanya haha


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