Monday, March 19, 2012

My free space has come to an end..

Sedih, finally blogspot has officially prompt a message that my pictures' space has exceeded 1GB.. and to that, i now need to pay for another USD5 per year for 20GB space..

huwaaa.. ok, the question is

how cow? i don't have any online credit card.. and 

hubby said -- nanti nanti, ... i pulak require this space as urgent as possible since I kan active blogger :).. 

so now, each time I am uploading new picture, at the same time, I have to delete some old pictures..

anyone dah beli that USD5?


  1. babes, ko leh try googled 'free hosting images websites'.. x payah upgrade ke 20GB...
    rite now m using ---->

  2. mira, setahu me, u just create a new author and post ur name as new author, so u will get free space mcm mula2 start blogging..
    ada entry yg berkaitan kat blog amy mamatisya, even kalau u google pun byk jer info kat mana2 blog pun

  3. Nini sudah beli since tahun lepas...itu incik abg baik hati mau bayar :)

  4. Aisey tak syok la takde pictures... Hmmm now i have to check my stat!

  5. wahhhh......i tak tau pun ada limit...

  6. hehe..ila dah alami mcm ne.. so ila tpaksa delete gambar2 yg ila join contest online tue......sedih..

  7. mira,
    saya upload gambar kat flickr dulu..then copy code masuk kat blog....


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