Friday, March 09, 2012

BIG Winning entry: 3 Days 2 Nights at Mutiara Burau Bay Langkawi

Alhamdulillah, tahun ni nampak gayanya i akan dapat dua kali cuti cuti free di Malaysia secara percuma.. Alhamdulillah, walaupun rezeki menang contest agak slow tahun ni, tapi sekali sekala terlekat sane sini boleh senyum sampai ke telinga.. 

Semalam Hotel Istana ada buat announcement untuk contest video yang dianjurkan, Walaupun dia cakap Amira, tapi i  have to take one step back sebab kan ramai orang name Amira kat malaysia ni, tup tap i dok happy sekali Amira lain pulak yang menang... 

but not until i saw Hotel Istana's note below...

Terus menerus la i update dekat Facebook dulu.. happy!!! Ade 4 orang share video ni which i dont know who, and the best part, through this video, actually prior to this result, one of the staff has contacted me through FB Message and thanked me for my review of the hotel. But only I realised, she was actually the hotel staff who took the picture with Emir.. -- small world kan..

and according to the announcement, I menang 3d 2nights at Buray bay resort, but when I google, tak pulak jumpe Buray Bay, but what I found - Mutiara Burau Bay, so I assume Im talking about the same hotel.. 

If so, inilah pemandangan atas hotel ni.. dan paling best, my BFF, Ayu baru je bercuti dekat sini jugak last year, boleh mintak tips dari dia..

Kalau ikut review Ayu, nampak best, Ayu i pinjam Gambar you kat bawah ni yer.. but definitely I memang akan suke sebab free kan and lagi best siap cover dinner sekali :D

i bet mesti menarik hotel ni, tengoklah gambar mak anak lima kat bawah ni :D



  1. Bestnyer dapat jalan2 cuti2 free...

  2. breakfast die mmg superb gilerrrrrr....mmg terbaek...die siap masak apa ke nama pastri tu "panas2" wooo...dekat jer klu nak pergi naik cable car...lupa nak cakap--->congrats beb...ajar i buat video, sukalah tgk hasil video u, sgt kreatif ok...gambar mak cik selempang gak ada ya hahahahaha...

  3. congrats babe!! siyes besh tu!!!!!

  4. tahniah kak mira!
    seronok emir dpt jalan2 naik cable car langkawi ;)

  5. wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sgt bestttt Alhamdulillah tanhiah sis

  6. bestnya dapat g sini. Pernah stay kat sini masa office buat Family Day. Mutiara Burau Bay ni just walking distance kalau nak ke Cable Car Langkawi. MMg syok sgt kat sini...


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