Saturday, February 04, 2012

Facebook vs Blog || What does it means to me.. My view

Before that, is going to 30 means your talent to do more lecturing is improving :p.. Dalam kepala ni macam banyak je nak cerite, but of course lah it is only leisure topic, bende yang i nampak, i rasa dan i experienced. Honestly, i will never talk about politics or any serious discussion here --- alerr lagipun bace paper pun jarang hahaha.. 

Ok, back to the topic. Let me know who doesn't have Facebook's account? ada or tak de? Ok, kalau yang tak de tu memang sejak azali dia jauh dengan dunia Internet or for some people, they do love to tweet rather than toying around with Muka buku.. 

But what ever reason, social networking become a necessary for some people, betul tak? kalau sehari tak jenguk FB, mula lah nanti ade status yang menyusul "mati kutu internet tak de", "apalah nak jadi berokband kat malaysia ni" hahahaa.. kan kan kan.. 

by the way, telling you, because of FB, sometimes we (ok - I lah tu) are confused whether this person is really that person we know, i mean, i didnt talk about adults, im talking about youngsters, budak 11 tahun punye status pun dah macam gini 

"i lost my direction in life"

err... belum lagi status lain.. budak-budak sekarang ni tak nak enjoy ke zaman budak-budak? or they don't know what the sweetness being a kid.. kesian kan... anak-anak zaman iPad.. dah tak de dah main konda kondi ke, teng teng ke, main getah ke or tiang ke tiang kat tempat letak basikal kat sekolah tu..

Back to blog, tak ramai orang ade blog, orang yang ade blog ni, first depa suke benar ambik tahu kisah orang and second, depa tak kisah pun orang tau kisah depa.. macam i sendiri, i kadang-kadang selektif jugak ape bende yang i nak cerita.. (eleh ye ke), usually, I avoid myself to talk about my private life, private life nak bagi orang jeles selalu lah macam menang contest ke :p i mean private life yang boleh kacau privasi i dengan husband i, dengan family i or whatever reasons.. no way im gonna post an entry cerite pasal i gaduh dengan laki i ke, duit i banyak berjuta-juta dalam bank ke (ok dusta) or barang-barang yang i beli ke. that is so not me.. 

but anyway, for me, i draw a line between FB and blog.. dekat FB untuk i, tempat nyer lagi terbuka, yes i know even though I can restrict the view, my profile, but the fact is, orang-orang yang terdekat dengan i semua ada kat FB tu, ade mak, ayah, in laws, ade sedara mara, pak sedara, mak sedara, suku sakat jauh dan dekat, rakan taulan dari sekolah rendah sampai lah kat universiti, boss lagi..

and I personally not comfortable for them to read my daily ramblings.. sebab ape? I segan.. yes just a simple two words.. i segan.. even kalau u all perasan, kalau tak kerana terpakse, i tak pernah letak my blog's link dekat dalam FB and i tak pernah mention "my blog" in any of my status. and 100% orang yang letak my blog link for whatever reasons so long that I know, usually i would personally message them to remove my blog's link, and I dont mind to maintain the same blog traffic..

blog is the place where i show my real me, i dun care about my grammar, my english, i just throw what I want to write, sometimes about Emir, sometimes about me, sometimes about what I see.. and bahasa yang i gune rojak je, rase nak cakap omputih, i cakap... nak cakap BM, i cakap, but most of the time, i memang rojak sebab i sendiri kalau cakap dengan orang pun, macam ni lah jugak i cakap.. and honestly I dont want to be measured based on what i have presented in this blog - "macam anak dia sorang je pandai cakap orang putih". i have no intention to show that I have more than others, neither that my life is more miserable than others. 

thats the reason ramai orang yang i kenal tak tau i ade blog :) tapi those yang dah tau, u can proceed reading it if you still fine it is entertaining .. 

but perhaps u may have different opinion.. this is what i feel. 


  1. passion berblog dah makin menjunam hehe

  2. saya dah lama deativate FB..sebab FB buang masa, dan juga saya nyampah orang yg gunakan FB untuk eksyen tayang kereta baru, nak gitau anak pandai, gaji besar, etc. phd saya kuat, daripada sakit jiwa baca status orang yang memualkan baik deactivate..hahahhaha

  3. kita sgt2 hati2 bab2 update FB status...sbb segan ramai ex-coursemate UIA..

    kat blog..yep, me cerita apa sajer heheh

  4. antara blog n fb, lagi suka blog.. sebab lebih bebas menulis pasal kehidupan kami.. kalo kat fb sikit2 jer boleh.. malas semua kawan-kawan atau saudara mara baca status yang tah apa2.. dan jrg letak link blog kat fb.. kalo pic ada watermark tue jer yang malas nak buang..
    uyun sendri tak tau siapa yang tau pasal blog uyun dikalangan family & rakan sekolah.. hope tak ramai.. hihi..

  5. yea betul! kite sama mira.. i wont sengaja2 reveal my blog.. esp not in FB!!! hahaha. my blog adalah coretan suke duke x sama dgn status2 kt FB.. FB is more to let the world knpws whats happening.. blog is curahan hati since i dont keep a diary.. :)

  6. Ure telling me...i tak faham how some ppl can wash all their dirty laundry in public on fb

  7. same ! same! hehehe..kt blog tunggang tebalik mencarut pon okayyy,hahaha


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