Saturday, September 04, 2010

Tefal Warehouse Sale 2010 - Review

and today, for the first time, my mum was interested to accompany me to go hunting for Tefal's products. Knowing my mum, she rarely interested for a shopping, yeah, this is what I inherit from her.. but Tefal is an exception, despite that today she didnt sleep the whole night - sibuk tengah buat paper untuk satu conference, but when I told her, this warehouse is only once a year... hmmm dengan kepala berat dia kate.. ok lahh... hahah..

well, it was such a nice afternoon going out with your mum, you know mother and daughter borak borak, cerite cerite... alhamdulillah... 

hows Tefal warehouse sale?... my review.. the price is slightly higher than last year, BUT the products offered I think it is quite a brand new product, still wrapped and plenty of choices. the pan priced starts from RM20 onwards, wok from RM50 onwards.. my mum went crazy seeing the price - she said , lagi bagus dari UK punyer price.. 

my mum tengah sibuk pilih-pilih

and the best part, I think most of the Malays are busy with Raya preparation, and that is the reason why the crowd  lesser this year.. the staffs were very friendly and helpful and the casher process was excellent :) 

The warehouse sale is still on until tomorrow, 5 September at The Atria, Damansara Jaya... so sape-sape yang dekat KL tu.. silakan..

ni yang kiterang beli... 

one happy customer.. siap cakap, lepas ni kalau ade corningware warehouse sale, bagi tau mama



  1. weiii tak ajakk ponn..
    aku nk p.. tp xder geng..
    sob sob...

  2. wahh...ur mum still muda bergaya tu...:)

  3. ala..jelesnyaa.. mira, nape u tak beli byk sket.. boleh jual balik kat blog.. im Tefal fanatik fan.haha

  4. ish2 mira,klulah dpt bwk my mom nk g hala kl tuh,adehh

  5. yani: lorr, tak tau pulak ko interested, tak pe, next time kalau ade ape-ape warehouse aku nak gi, aku roger ko...

    emmachan: i dah lameeeeeeeee tak berniaga online, tengah malas tahap naga :p,

    zety: ya, selalu mak mak yang happy kalau pergi tempat macam ni, semalam pun banyak gak lah elderly chinese yang datang

    suzie: u r wrong la suzie: she is soooooooooooo simple :D


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