Monday, September 20, 2010

How Emir watched his favorite cartoon via YouTube

Yes... ladies and gentlemen.. via my iPhone... 

and that is one of the reason why my phone can easily be out of battery.. hehe despite that me on the other hand, very lah the lazy la to charge my phone ...

let see his GAYA

tertonggeng tonggeng atas kerusi ni biase...

bile dah penat..............




  1. gaya die dok menonggeng yg tak tahan tu =p...
    bdk2 skrg mmg celik IT...

  2. hehehe. comel betul
    sampai tertonggeng-tonggeng.

  3. haha.comel je emir dgn gaya..
    btul la yani..budak2 skang celik IT sbb mama papanye ada iPhone.
    kita dulu,nak main tepon telekom tu pun kena marah,kan mira..keke


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