Thursday, September 09, 2010

The lucky number 31313

So today, I slept around 9pm, very early kan since I have this bad fever.. sangat letih especially when I have to force myself not to go for a MC, ye lah, more works to do + I will be on unpaid leave up until next week. But unfortunately, my beauty sleep was distracted when Emir asked me to do susu nyam nyam for him (susu nyam nyam - susu dalam botol), but my dear hubby knowing that his wife was so sick, he helped me. Lepas tu, both Emir and the father went to sleep, and me was wide awake and dunno wat to do.. Yeah, got this bad headache and running nose.. its 3 am +, so not in the mood to read any latest news especially on Datuk Sosilawati (yeah, to me, kes ni sangat menarik).. and not even have a mood to open my laptop and send few emails to my clients (yes yes, I have few emails pending for my review).. sigh..

but, suddenly, my eyes caught Mr. Husband's laptop "lying" happily on the floor with wide open, hehe, pucuk dicita ulam mendatang.. so I started to write an email to Ariffah, she asked me on Emir's school, sorry ye ariffah, the message was indeed very longggg.. :) then I started to blog hopping..  most of the bloggers are wishing everyone Selamat Hari Raya .. Selamat Hari Raya jugak...

Then, next step, I am searching for easy contest.!!! and found out, whoever managed to capture 31313 in this blog, will own this beautiful bag...

Aah, cant help it.. at that time, the number was around 13233.. so i need 90 numbers to go, and its a good day, while other bloggers tengah nyenyak tido.. mulelah saya berusaha dan berusaha :) and you know, such an effort, since this laptop macam kura kura.. hanggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg manjang.. but finally, it paid off..!!

YEAY, the bag is MINE!!! Ok.. boleh tunggu Subuh dengan tenang di hari terakhir puasa :D See, kalau hari ni ok, meaning this year.. i puasa 30 days straight :DDDD-- hey hey, nothing inside this tummy, already confirm with my gynea, yes, I dah jumpe my gynea for consultation.. :)


  1. dear..rajinnya...apa pun get well soon, nak raya nie..take care, congrates for own that pretty bag & selamat hari raya!!!

  2. hehe... i admire your perseverance :)

    selamat hari raya ya, mira... have a good holiday with your family.

  3. kira hadiah raya tu!! congrats mira!!!

  4. rezeki hari raya tu....
    chomell la pink lagi...
    congratss bebehh...

  5. mira, thank you much much. get well soon.
    and salam aidilfitri to u and family.

    p.s. you are sooooo good in contest ;)

  6. salam mira.. tahniah.. anda la pemenang saya.. nanti email add ya sy pos kan hadiah.. tq ya


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