Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cookies Choc Chip

Good morning

You know, I always promised myself to go back to bed after Subuh prayer during the weekends, but you know what, I just realised, the good weekend morning is the only ME time :)

Tenangkan tengok si kecik ni tido.. kalau jage adoiii... tak duduk diam..

Well, actually I have planned along with my sister to hunt for baju raya today. You know what, hubby bought himself and the son 4 pasang baju melayu.. Damn.. it gonna be crazy for me to match those colors and not to forget the money that im gonna spend!!

Since my early childhood, most of the time, my parents only bought ready made baju raya and that is the reason I have never sent any kain to tailor up until now.. heheh i mean seriously, wanted to do this year, together with naz, but at the end, I decided to just buy the ready made baju raya.. But i strongly feel, ready made baju raya is much much cheaper compared to tailor made baju raya. just imagine kain je dah berape kan, upah jahit lagi. I understand that plain baju raya can goes up to RM120 (or is it even more??) and if you add more beads or whatsoever it can goes to few hundreds.. man, tak mampu i..

And thats the reason I always adore those who loves sewing especially younger generation nowadays susah nak cari, one that i know is my own cousin - Kak Didik and her skills getting better and better. You can view her artwork here Oh ya, my mum pun pandai jugak. Langsir, cadar, baju kurung, baju melayu semua bagai kat rumah tu dia jahit. My father has once told me that my mum sewed baju melayu for him during hari raya way back during their Uni days in US. kan kan.. and me on the other hand, saya adalah mempunyai tangan yang sangat keras dan tidak berseni..

I enrolled to sewing class before, but only half way since I couldnt find my passion on it. Nak masuk kan jarum belum tentu pass 100%, but hehe Allah jadikan jodoh kite bersebab, salah satu sebab nyer, Encik Emran boleh jahit, so there you go, ape bende yang terkoyak, dialah tukang jahit nyer.. and his skills is far better than mine ok.. Sian dia, berape kali mintak bile i nak jahitkan baju untuk dia.. :) Kite jahit kat kedai je lah yer.. Nasib baik lah mak mertua I bukan tukang jahit ke ape, hahahaha..Kalau tak malu besar la kan..

So, ade satu blog ni, dia pun suke jait jugak, and it looks so lovely with her fresh ideas. One of the item that I like is the hp pouch, why?? because i dont have any.. haha, ye ye iphone saya adalah togel begitu sahaja tanpa berbaju.. I bought one before but later dia punya zip dia terputus  and until now I didnt buy any hp pouch to replace it. :) If only i could grab her hp pouch :) Yes yes, this is part of the contest that Dayang is organized.. Click here for more details..

Dan apakah ini, ini adalah chocolate chip yang saya buat semalam bukan untuk raya, tapi untuk berbuka puasa.. Raya kuih tunjuk jer :) Tak sempat nak simpan, sorang sorang dok datang dapur melahap.. Tak pe lah memang buat untuk makan pun.. Yang ni i tak malu mengaku, sedap :) but thinking of nak goreng groundnuts tu.. aahh... Ada orang nak order tak untuk raya., tapi harge tak tau hahahha


  1. Saya pun prefer baju yang dah siap jahit aje...susah nak dapat yg sedap pakai kalau tempah selepas orang yg sll tempah tu pindah. Kalau yg ready made tak boleh dah nk komplen sbb tak kenal tukang jahit nya kan?? :P

  2. hi mira!!

    heheh.. kt bloghopping, terjumpe blog awk.. :)

    nmpk sedap je choc chip tu.. :)

    nak mtk resipi bole?? :)

  3. Sitisifir: ha ah betul tu, :D tapi kalau dapt jumpe yuang ngam ngan badan kite, tu bonus

    niza: hehehe, huish senyap senyap rasie ok , resipi nanti mira bagi kat ofis :D


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