Monday, May 18, 2015

Monday ramblings..

Ramai orang luar tahu, anak saya sorang je (setakat ini) dan Alhamdulillah saya sangat bersyukur dengan kurniaNya, sekurang-kurangnya dapat lah saya beri sikit kasih sayang yang ada pada makhluk Allah yang lain.

Emir masa kecik dan semakin membesar, memang betul lah orang cakap, makin membesar makanya makin mencabar kita nak didik anak kita.. Makin banyak kita kene belajar.

Tapi dalam menganani anak sorang ni its very challenging. Sebabnya saya sendiri datang pada adik-beradik ramai. Sedari saya jalan lagi, saya dah ada kawan untuk dibuat main dan gaduh, dan makin bertambah-tambah sesuai dengan perjalanan usia. Di kala membesar tu, di situlah karektor saya bermula. Kalau compare dengan yang lain, saya ni nampak senang sikit nak campur dengan orang dan senang untuk mendapat kawan juga.. To tell you the truth, i never feel lonely. 

So, bila saya dapat Emir masa umur saya 24 tahun. Honestly i was very young, I do not have any reference. Kawan-kawan majoriti belum berkahwin. Sepupu pun tak ramai, in fact Emir ni kire cucu pertama belah saya dan gap antara Emir dan sepupu-sepupunya yang lain di belah suami saya agak jauh. Jadi pendek kata, memang pada kecik Emir sendiri.

I know we can have playdates. But honestly, i didn't realize the importance of playdates until now.

Jadinya, Emir membesar lebih kepada dunianya sendiri. Orang kata kesian dia sebab tak de kawan, but percayalah, Emir is ok to play on its own, dia dah biasa and he knows how to utilize his time. Of cos lah sometimes with the gadget around him thats what make him occupied. but yes, he is ok. 

Accept that, bile meniti usia sekarang ni, i can see Emir is very reserved. Ye lah, dah terbiasa main sorang-sorang, dia tak kisah kalau tak de kawan. He is ok kalau tak de kawan. Setiap kali i datang rehat tengok dia, setiap kali jugak lah kawan dia bertukar-tukar. Ok yes it is a good thing, mixed around with all. Sorang-sorang pun pernah.. 

About friends, im not worried because Emir knows how to handle. He is ok either to be alone or either to be among his friends.

But what bother me most is his ability. Emir is not a sport person. Yes, looking back at my childhood, i too not a sports person, selalu lari dalam kelas dapat no last sekali.. and its happened to Emir. Main bola pun tak berapa pandai memandangkan Emir sendiri tak berpeluang untuk main bola. Yes, Emir ni.. pendek kata lebih kepada indoor kids. but yes, he is quite good in playing badminton.

So, i just want to share with you. Please teach your boys to play football. Why i said so? Football is the universal language for boys. In fact, football is a general game for boys. So, by learning football, your boys will not left out. Trust me.

Sebab Emir tak tau main bola sangat, and he doesnt have that speed to run, berapa kali jugak he was not allowed to play. Babe, as a mother, tak ke robek hati you? Robek babe.. rasa macam sedih sangat. What more to the small kid. dah la Emir jenis yang soft spoken (his character), tak melawan, kalau orang mengata dia ke ape, he will not reply anything in return.. cuma balik dia akan cerita dekat i.. 

i know makin kite besar, penerimaan makin ok kalau kite tak pandai main sekali pun.. tapi sementara tunggu nak besar ni, kite kenelah motivate anak kite.. and yourself too.. because at Emir's age, kids are too honest.. Kalau tak suke, directly akan cakap tak suke.. tho Emir ni tak pandai main bola, satu sikap dia, dia suka join.. 

Im sharing this as a learning experience. Emir memang sedih, but as a mother, you know your son better and you know how to tackle him. Selalu key word yang i gune, 

"kite bukannya pandai semua bende, ada kite lemah, tapi ada bende yang kite terror.. macam emir, you are not really good in playing soccer, but when it comes to chess, kids will make you as a reference. Football is outdoor, we have 1000 activities outdoors beside football. Don't take it hard when they hurt you. because you have a happier life beside playing football and dont stop to learn. Emir main bola dekat alhidayah dengan orang lain ok je kan.."

Ibu akan sentiasa doakan Emir semoga Emir dipermudahkan segala urusan. Semoga Allah sentiasa melindungi hati Emir. Semoga Allah sentiasa memelihara Emir and the list goes on... 


  1. sebak pulak i baca. but i understand that feeling when we see our kids having to try to to fit in. insyaAllah, emir will find his own clan - i.e. with those who do not play football as well orrr those who play football but doesn't mind to be friends with those who doesn't. they will learn to adapt eventually, the way we did. its part and parcel of growing up. but yeah, as a mother we will always feel protective over our kids. emir is such a lovely boy! :)

  2. My eyes were in tears when I read this babe.
    I understood how it felt when ur son been rejected straight away.
    Takpe Emir, you've got ur own talent.
    My brother pun x main football just bcoz my dad cakap, org main football ni suka gaduh2. lol!
    so don't worry too much mira. Emir pun pandai suaikan diri. I always admire the way uve brought him up. Really wud love to meet with him personally (and of course playdate wont be a good idea bcoz nanti main Barbie doll plak with both of my daughters.haha)

  3. it's not about quantity but about quality
    tingat kata - kata dari motivator bila rasa down orang persoalkan kenapa anak masih 2.
    and yet...
    perancangan Allah itu sebaik - baiknya

  4. emir is good in chess jgn riso tp kdg2 bdk2 ni sure terasa ati cuma mayb emir bkn jenis nk express just express kt ibunya...tisya bab sukan die tkleh nk lari byk sgt sbb mesti sakit kaki xtau sbb apa..pernh pegi check up tp doktor kata bab berkawan die sama mcm mamanye..kecoh gk nk kawan tp jenis tk melawan mcm emir gk...slalu gk kena buli kt sek...hrp ank2 kita bole jg diri kn

  5. i know how it feels...i ada one niece yg mana anak tunggal jugak (anak my eldeset sister) dh umur 28 yo pun..she's very independent...

    anyway, talking about zharfan memang sgt suka main football wpun dia jenis chubby tp aktif la main bola ni after school hours..naik keta bau peluh menyucuk2 idung i hehehe


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