Thursday, September 04, 2014

Salam Sesuci Lifebuoy – Spread Peace, Not Germs

Yes, its true, spread peace not germs.

I am very sure that most parents consider germs as public enemy. We protect ourselves with soaps and sprays and even our handbags (mothers) are full with wipes, tissue and sanitizers. I didn't deny that germs somehow is getting a bad reputation due to its effect especially to the growing up child.

As for my son, an eight years old boy who has many ideas inside his mind, i tend to be more relax in managing this germs issue. At his age, I believe this is the era where he should explore the world, gets his hands dirty and learn his surroundings. I'm not sure whether it is only my perception, but the more cleaner the environment, the easier he gets sick as he is not immune to uncleaned surroundings (what a myth :p)

So, with the self-myth, that's the reason i put a very big emphasize on personal hygiene, as it is one of the best methods to avoid the spread of germs and significantly lessens the risk of infections and disorders. 

Lifebuoy, the world's no 1 germ protection soap is continuously support people in their quest for better personal hygiene. For your information, Lifebuoy has been consistently championing health through hygiene throughout its 110 year history.

Recently, Lifebuoy launched Salam Sesuci Lifebuoy campaign to embark on a mission to remind and empower parents, principally mothers that although germs are not visible to the naked eye, they are widespread and can be transmitted via contact. Therefore, Lifebuoy believes that this is a crucial practice to inculcate from a young age, to lay a strong foundation in supporting a child’s growth and development without the hindrance of illnesses. 

Through the Salam Sesuci Lifebuoy campaign, Lifebuoy continues its commitment to promote active hand washing and bathing with soap through the introduction of a series of webisodes and informative resources online.   

I am indeed a very lucky to get a chance experiencing Lifebuoy for free. To be honest, Lifebuoy has been part of our family for ages.

The best of Lifebuoy product range so far would always be Lifebuoy antibacterial body wash - Total 10 with active5. Ok, let me tell you how it is looks like. The liquid comes in soft pink color with comforting flora scent. All you have to do is to pour a few drops onto hand or shower puff and lather all over the body. 

Basically, consumers may choose either to have Lifebuoy in liquid form or soap bar. I tried both and honestly nothing separated between those two despite of course, the price. Once you are done pampering yourself with Lifebuoy body soap, you will feel like stepping out from the spa where in actual fact, you just came out from your own bathroom. 

Perhaps you  may want to know what is so special about Lifebuoy Total 10 Antibacterial Soap. 
  • Regular bathing with Lifebuoy body wash helps to prevent the spread of germs
  • With advanced germ protection ingredient, Active5
  • Cleanses deep into pores for healthy and protected skin.

So, once again, controlling the germs are easy once you know how to take care of your personal hygiene. And as simple as that, Lifebuoy definitely there to support your personal hygiene cleanliness, not only for you but to the rest of the family.

Back to Salam Sesuci Lifebuoy, we can till view the episodes via Lifebuoy Youtube Channel and among those clips uploaded I was really touched by the stories surrounding the orphanage. I've learnt that money can buy anything in the world but money couldnt find true love. The children might have beautiful smiles of the day, but at once, you could see them sitting at the end of the corner missing their families. From this Salam Sesuci Lifebuoy campaign, let's together we shared peace, love and harmony because every human (kids and adults) deserved a happy and healthier life.

To that, I end my note with -- shared the peace and love but not germs..

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