Friday, October 18, 2013

The sweetest thing of having a child

is to witness that they are performing solat.

Alhamdulillah.. ingat lagi dulu, Emir as you know mase kecik, sekolah omputih, ok fine, tak delah omputih mana pun, but the kindie did not emphasize on Islamic education, not until he was 5 years old where I actually raised a concern to the teachers on Islamic education. Alhamdulillah luckily at that point of time, the principal was a Malay, and she actually played a role to discuss this with the owner (non-Muslim) and again, Alhamdulillah, the proposal was accepted...

Ustazah came few days a week, Cikgu Nurul pun ajar juga :)

but then i realized, yes, it was not enough. tak guna anak pandai, agama takde. tak guna anak pandai cakap, agama kurang. apatah lagi, i anak sorang, lagilah i mengharapkan seseorang yang dapat doakan i..

once again, to teach Emir is not an easy job for me. I need teachers / ustazah to assist him. i tak malu untuk mengaku i susah nak mengajar Emir..

Alhamdulillah, we enrolled him at this one Islamic kindie  for mengaji dulu and solat. and the progress.. tell you.. the feeling is wayyyyyyyyyyyy better than anything else in the world. Emir datang dengan banyak bende tak tau, within a few months saje melebihi my expectation..

In the same year, Emir dapat naik alQuran.. since then.. Alhamdulillah he improves a lot! Bersyukur sangat. Boleh jadi imam kepada saya, tinggal tak sunat je lagi ni.. bacaan alhamdulillah. Always assigned by his ustazah to become the imam..

i know too many Alhamdulillah in this post.. 

Ramai juga yang bertanya, kenapa i tak masukkan Emir ke sekolah agama (private) untuk darjah 1. I have all the reasons for that..

Sekarang Emir dah juzuk 13. ada juga saya simpan dia baca alQuran, buat kenangan bila besar nanti.

Tak banyak saya harapkan, moga Emir menjadi seorang anak yang berguna kepada agama kita dan sentiasa tegakkan agama kita, agama Islam.. moga Emir juga dapat jadi pemimpin yang baik suatu hari nanti..


  1. Alhamdulillah.saya tengok anak saya yg nak masuk dua tahun ni mengikut solat pun seronok.

  2. Alhamdulillah..
    Bangga dgn emir :)


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