Monday, June 03, 2013

The Women's Weekly Mother's Day Cooking Workshop

first of all, this was an outdated story.. and starting from today.. insyaAllah, I am trying my very best to upload one story per day.. because i do think that i miss other part of me if im not blogging.. well, blogging has been part of me since 2003.. so you know, a decade of blogging... dari zaman anak dara sampai la mak dara.. :)

and so.. upon invitation from my neighbour, i registered myself at this cooking workshop. Femy was the one who very semangat and anything that involved memasak, i wont think twice.. !! Femy lah arranged for the payment, fill in all the details.. if it was me.. definitely it wont happen :p

We just paid RM50 for this session, of cos at first i was like.. "alaa mahainye nak belajar masak" ok, me being :p but it was a short while.. especially the event was held at Prince Hotel KL. 

Early that morning, Mr. husband drove the two of us (my neighbor and I) to the hotel. and we thought, we were quite early, but hell no, the q for registration boleh tahannn jugak..  

when i was quietly eating my breakfast, this kind lady, Laila, surprised me.. 

"ingat saya lagi tak"

ok, yours truly has a very very short memory.. huhu..maafkan saya.. she has a blog too, i just remembered i met her once during one of Nuffnang's event at Sunway Lagoon... but unfortunately, i couldnt catch her blog's address.. any of you can share with me?

Femy said she actually arranged for 4 persons to join her on that day but only three of us turned up. Met my new friend - Shireen.. (femy's friend (she is in the middle))... 

Should i introduced you to F&B section? but i betoi betoi lupa nak jadi part of pesakit mental mengambil gambar-gambar makanan yang indah lagi lazat.. the fruit tart was marvelous.. 

and we could just refill our Nescafe Dolce Gusto's coffee.. again and again. Ladies, you should scrolled down and see what happened to me at the end of this event :p (alaa i dah letak dalam Instagram Facebook dah pun).. 

but at this point of time.. we were like.. sedap nyer Chocolate coffee ni, sedapnya Caramel Latte ni.. i lah yang tamak dan haloba.. telan lah jugak dua cawan in total ;)

The workshop was delayed nearly to one hour.. the Chef in action was Chef Andri (kalau tengok Dugro Chef Cilik, dialah Chef nyer).. Ok, i thought it was a cooking workshop where we had our own small kitchen to cook, but.. after seeing the participants list in WW's Facebook -- 80 participants, i knew it would only be a cooking demo. 

One drawback from this workshop was, those participants at the back couldnt see clearly. and of cos we lost our concentration.. Even though  the organizer did placed a projector at the right corner, it didn't help at all, pening kepalak jugak because the video was shaking.. orang yang ambik video tu tak pakai tripod, pakai tangan, sebab tu lah goyang-goyang gerudi kan.. 

but Thank God Chef Andri was very entertaining.. so sangat tak boring.. Ade 6 cooking, and the picture below was the first cooking.. seabass something something (lupaaa).. i didn't taste -- tak sanggup (geli tekak hahaha) sebab semua orang gune sudu yang sama.. in fact, i could see the fish also :p tapi sebab nak ambik gambar.. boleh lah action sikit..

and Chef Andri invited few participants to assist him in cooking.. and one of the cooking preparation, i raised my hand and said ... "this pregnant woman nak tolong" hahaha she was the only participant yang sarat.. 

We didn't know that they provided us with lunch.. lunch ke-enam-enam cooking yang di masak.. Again.. i memang tak teringat sikit pun nak ambik gambar.. perhaps I didn't go with my blogger circle.. so terlupe pulak, plus dah lama tak update blog kan.. itulahh.. 

the above apron was part of the goodie bag.. and Im kinda love the apron.. :) nampak catchy pun iyer.. 

Picture above: The participants with 2 chefs.. (oh yes, ada dua chef)...

Do you want to see the Goodie Bag..

1. Saya sangat suka
2. Senyum sampai ke telinga
3. Barang-barang i suke and i akan guna..
4. Ada Tupperware.. walaupun comel Tupperware nyer.. But i loveee Tupperware.. Spot on OK!! *Note, i always bought Tupperware but none of it for myself.. the Tupperware collection that I have -- ALL adalah pemberian orang lain.. Menang contest, goodie bag, or mak mertua bagi.. mak bagi :D 

this was the highlight of the event, Lucky draw.. if i'm not mistaken, they had 6 prizes.. 3 buffet dinners from Prince Hotel, 2 stay vouchers also from  Prince Hotel..

and so called Grand Prize was.. Nescafe Dolce Gusto Coffee Maker.. 

memandangkan luck untuk nombor saya tak pernah kot kene dalam lucky draw macam ni.. tapi harapan tu tetap ada.. (ye tak...)

untuk dijadikan cerita.. Masa organizer tu nak ambil number.. one of the number terjatuh.. and dalam hati i

"alaaa.. entah-entah nombor i"..

Rupe-rupenyer.. number tu terjatuh untuk bagi rezeki dekat i...

Yes.. it was my number being called -- the lucky number 78..

*Happy Happy happy.. suke okeh.. suke suke suke...should i say more especially when this prize worth RM799

i never think to sell this off.. i will keep this definitely.. balik terus bukak dan rasmikan..

 and.. straight away bought this 4 flavours!! and my favorite is Chocochino..

so my investment of RM50 is truly worth it kan kan kan.. :)

p/s Alhamdulillah, dalam kemarau tak menang contest.. hadiah ini pulak menjelmaa.. 


  1. Dolce Gusto coffee memanG terbaek...

  2. dear itu chef andri kan..? bukan chef zam...

  3. Ujee.. thanks!! huhu malu Malaysia je salah nama :)


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