Sunday, July 22, 2012

Where to eat: Buffet dinner at Zest Restaurant, Marriott Putrajaya

Alhamdulillah, Ronnie from Marriott Putrajaya text me and asked 

"please let me know how many of your family members will be coming along"

You read it right.. how many? no limited seats?

in my mind i would love to invite the whole family members :p but to be moderate, i replied

"im coming with 3 adults and 1 child, excluding myself" with no idea who should I invite :p

As the prize giving ceremony was held on the first day of tarawikh, Mr. Father and Madam Mother declined the invitation, of course it was unspoken rules that Mr. Husband has to tag along with Emir kan..

and so I left with two empty seats.. but don't worry, it can easily be filled in by my sisters.. :)

The prize giving ceremony was held at Zest restaurant, I shall update about it later.. ;)

One of the submitted pictures for the contest

Let's talk about food, since puasa kan.. drooling your eyes je lah ok :p since we came separate ways, i came by public transport and they were trapped in the traffic jam, so i got the first chance to "think" what to eat..

wooo banyak ok - apologize as the quality of the camera is quite shaky and most of the pictures were snapped by Emir, :)

you know, im not too sure whether Marriott has a seafood theme buffet, because seafood adalah di merata-rata, i hardly remember whether i saw any chicken there :)

and you know, yours truly lovesssssss seafood, i mean lovessss is loveeesssssss.. and of course my sotong is there!!! 

and it was my first time eating baby crab, i thought baby crab is a soft shell crab, rupenyer bukan yer.. selambe je i telan dengan kulit-kulit sekali,  and they served smoked salmon too!!! Mr. Husband was very happy lah..

i told you semua ada.. name it.. those who are seafood lover , this is the place where your tummy should belong to hehehe.. crab, squid, prawn, baby crab, crab, salmon, seabass, mussel, scallop and many more..

but of course when you see this, automatically you will say

"kene makan ni"

ladies, introducing.....lobsters.!!!!

ok to be specific, slipper lobster :) you think we only ate 3 lobsters? ;p 

and again this is my first time heard the name of "sea parrot fish".. punyalah besar... gambar ni Emir ambik..

and it was really satisfying because Emir enjoyed the food. He had two plates of pasta, a full plate of fruits, ice cream, crabstick, prawn.. yes, he was full!!

Yes, he is kekenyangan. emir ni kalau tak nak makan, belilah ape barang pun, kalau tak nak, tak nak lah, tapi kalau dia nak.. memang nampak macam bukan budak kecik punya makan..

Emir and I.. 
and also.. the satisfied customers.. i mean free customers :p

untuk Cik Yah dengan Mimi, ambiklah gambar korang, kak long upload sorang satu je, nak ambik sendiri dalam SD card ni..

and a picture of Emir talking with Victor's son.. im quite curious because both of them were talking and standing there agak lama..  oh yes, i knew the topic was about GAME.. -- :)

and.. and.. and.. sebab tengok food dia sedap, tengok lah harga buffet nyer..

*mari telan air liur..

Adult: RM105++
Child: RM63++

So in total, the value of our dinner -- RM105 x 4 = RM420 + RM63 = RM483... 

Dear Ronnie and team

In case you come across this blog of mine.. THANK YOU!!! 

Honestly hubby said "one of the best buffet dinner so far"


  1. tergodanya me tgk lobster tu...tapi tak mampu ler nak byr RM105 per head kalau dari duit poket sendiri hehhehe

  2. wow big winning nie.. beratus jadinya. bos ila pun suka marriot sb katanya mkn kat sini sedap n variety

  3. jarang ada menu bole tahan la regenye...

    **dpt ke beger percuma smlm?

  4. Lobster? Whoahhh....suka suka suka. Rezeki u sungguh la Mira!

  5. pengsan rm 105 per pax..berbaloi sungguh!suke sgt dgn soklan how many tu ;D


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