Sunday, July 29, 2012

Jom beli Groupon untuk anak..

I love Groupon, you? tapi maca mana pun, i am very selective in terms of buying a coupon, adik I pernah beli Groupon, i think handphone casing, but when he received it, indah khabar dari rupa. so, kalau i nak beli kupon dekat sini, i akan check sapa yang offer, kalau big company, of course i tanpa ragu-ragu akan beli. Lagipun harga yang ditawarkan dalam Groupon jauh lebih murah dari harga pasaran..

Ok, tok sah cakap panjang-panjang. I just bought this Groupon, nak pergi masa kiterang cuti-cuti dekat Renaissance nanti.. Dah lama nak bawak Emir pergi sini, sekali nampak deal ni, terus beli

Offered price: RM19 (adult) RM15 (child)
and the offer ends today!!

Normal price: RM37 (adult) RM27 (child)

coupon from Berjaya Times Square Theme Park Klang Valley - Selangor

Kalau ade yang tak de account dekat sini, boleh ke sini yer..


  1. mmg murah..aritu kita dh pegi tp still murah cz ada voucher free pastu guna jcard dpt diskaun tk la rs mhl..hehehe

  2. me pegi last few months main terjah ajer heheh

  3. ila lum penah beli utk anak2. selalu spa & photobook je


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