Monday, May 28, 2012

He won the Grand Prize..

isn't it amazing??

Received a call from Perbadanan Putrajaya and coincidentally, on that day, I was on MC and hubby left his phone at home. So, I answered the call and this lady informed that hubby was one of the winners and she refused to let me know any further details.

of course the first question that I asked

"menang nombor berape"

but again, she said, 

"boleh cakap dekat Encik Emran terus datang sini, baru kami boleh bagi tahu"


so, one fine day, i mean few days later, Hubby went to Perbadanan Putrajaya and


he won the Grand Prize for Photography competition.. 

asked him to share his winning picture, but aiyaa.. ini orang sedang melalui aging process, so ade sikit lupaaa.. hantar banyak sebab tu dia pun tak tau gambar mane yang menang..

To that, he grabbed this prize..

ok i malas nak edit gambar, meh tengok gambar dekat Google, cantik sikit kan..

Yes baby, it's Canon S100 worth RM1,549

and CASH PRIZE RM1,000 

p/s suke!!!!! Alhamdulillah..  can i update as part of BIG winning.. boleh kan kan kan.. hehe - kate Em's family :p



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