Sunday, April 01, 2012

My other income..

and I just love to do this..

im concentrating on Amway post natal care / set bersalin right now.. 

and it works.. 

Do it one at a time.. 

and yesterday itself, sold 3 in a day.. 

that's a lot for me.. Alhamdulillah..

and received another two orders today..

wanted to keep a stock, but Tropical Herbs post natal care is temporarily not available in the whole Malaysia.. again..... 

perhaps next week...

thanks :)

My target, to sell 50 sets in a month. InsyaAllah 


  1. bes kan buat bizz..
    kite pon minat..dah tak da hati kt keja sbnarnya huhuhuhuuh

  2. salam emmira..rajin cari duit tambahan ya.Semoga biz maju ya..Aminnn

  3. insya llah.. mira citerlah detail dalam belog apa kebaikannya & so on.. nanti ila boleh promote kat belog ila jugak.. nak?? ramai ne kawan2 opis yg prgnt haha

  4. wow banyak tu mira. Me bab bab nak jual ni berat gak mulut...hehehe...kalau dalam net ok. Kena jumpa client..err err shy lor....

  5. well done mira! i yg dok jual coach nipon, sbb suke2 je jualkan,dpt jual 4 wrislet pon gembire kemain!it's satisfaction!

  6. Boleh emailkan saya pricing?


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