Thursday, April 05, 2012

Emir and agama

Emir dah masuk enam tahun.

Bila dah masuk enam tahun, memang dah sampai masanya Emir tahu bab agama. To be exact, bab agama ni kene ajar since Emir kecik lagi.

Saya setuju. Sangat.

Setakat yang termampu, kami (the parents) memang mula ajar Emir bab agama, tapi Emir kalau mak bapak ajar ape sekalipun, susah betul lah dia nak concentrate. susah betul lah dia nak focus.

jadi, itulah sebabnya I was thinking to change Emir's school when he entered 6 years old.. 

But it was just a plan. After considering few factors, I continued Emir's education at the same old school. Senang kate sekolah orang "omputih".

Ok fine, I heard a lot people said, dont worry if your child could not speak English, but please be worried if your child doesnt know about agama. 


But I want him to get both.

Emir's current kindie does allocate Agama class, twice per week, an hour each class, but i dont think it is enough to cover everything.

So early this year, I decided to send Emir for Sekolah agama and upon suggestion by my colleague, I had enrolled Emir to this agama class in Bangsar.

and now, Emir is a student there for nearly two months..



seronok sangat.. 

serious seronok...

Ibu mane tak seronok kan..

Sekarang ni senang je nak ajak Emir solat. Tak macam dulu, liat semacam. La ni, of cos masih ade bunyi-bunyi kadang-kadang tu bile ajak solat, tapi dia still buat.

Sekarang ni,  Emir dah iqra' 5..

Sekarang ni Emir dah boleh recite few doas...

Sekarang ni Emir dah boleh mengucap..

Sekarang ni Emir boleh bercerite mengenai syurga neraka...

Ok i over. I tahu anak-anak orang lain lagi advance dari Emir, but Emir's improvement in Agama - I truly feel more satisfaction.

apalah agaknya perasan mak ayah bile anak tu jadi tahfiz, jadi ustaz.. mesti sejuk perut. 

Ada lagi few basic things yang Emir belum faham.. macam Aurat, emir belum faham lagi.. mane subuh mane zuhur mane asar, emir belum tahu lagi.. 

Anyhow, our challenge is where Emir communicated about religion with his friend who is non-Muslim. Luckily Emir ni jenis yang report jugak ape bende yang dia borak dengan kawan dia kat sekolah, I mean when he has doubt, balik rumah, he will ask me.

So, this is where parents have to provide a good explanation and never condemn what his friend was thinking. Especially, at this time, Emir and his friends are exploring the world. You know lah, budak-budak ni kite cerite , dia cerite balik pulak kat kawan dia.. 

So, there you go.. sharing my motherhood experience..


  1. alhamdulillah...
    sejuk perut ibu nye ;)

    mmg sgt seronok bile tgk perkembangan anak2 camni

  2. i pun suka citer2 psl parenting ni. Will keep notes. Go Emir. And mama hehe

  3. alhamdulillah :) me tumpang hepi :)

  4. ibu curik gambar kat enpon kiteee!!!! :P

  5. excited bila tgk perkembangan anak kita....i pon gitu.....

  6. alhamdulillah..
    sonok tgk emir dh makin besar skrg...
    dh belajar mcm2...


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