Thursday, August 04, 2011

My question is...

Dah bukak ke belum ?

Or is it my language is very bad ;p

errr let me ask, what is the difference between Kini Dibuka and Opening soon? errr is that the direct translation ..

Hehehehe.. something to cheer you up on Thursday :D


  1. so cute..
    hehe.tatau la pe bezanya..akan dibuka dan kini di buka.masalah nya tak bukak pun lagi.keke

  2. lain tue maksudnya.. aiyoooo banner besar2.. tapi maksud lain-lain..

    kini dah buka means boleh masuk

    opening soon- belumbuka lagi..tak boleh masuk.. esok lusa tulat baru boleh masuk..

    mmm.. mmg nak gelak bila baca..

  3. cikgu nk marah ni...:P


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