Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Winning entry: Smurf 'O' Graphy Contest by Sony Pictures Malaysia

You know the grand prize for this contest was 42" LCD TV and man i tell you, I am dying to own that TV. All you have to do, is just to snap a picture of you with Smurfs character at IPC (aka Ikano).  I surely know that those who gonna win this grand prize must paint their face with blue and yes, as I predicted, this one lady with her blue face won the grand prize. Me on the other hand, walked away with one of 5 consolation prize offered.. 

Here you go, inilah gambar I.. at first I came with my father, sekali timing IPC  ni tak betui maa.. that time I was during weekdays and I damn ready to where all sorts of props / costume that I brought along sebab tak ramai orang.. sekali the characters tak boleh appear as scheduled..

so went bact to IPC again on the last day and it was during the weekend, aiyoooo tak jadi laa nak posing sakan, ramaiiiiiii sangat orang.. segan!! so ended up, i just pull out the white towel that i brought along (itupun tak nampak) and the self made mask.. (itupun tak pakai betul2).. if not kan, mase i pergi dengan ayah i (ok ok, ayah i pun dah layan jer anak dia sorang ni masuk contest :p) i siap pakai baju macam Smurfs ok :d

Anyone loves Smurfs???

I would prefer to get free movie ticket, sekali tak dak pulak,  maybe it is still too early. the movie will be screening around September..but I do love the mug!!



  1. tk sbr tgu movie smurf ni nk bw ank daraku p tgk...anyway tahniah ye

  2. Wa... bab posing2 wan pn segan hahha... janji menang Mira. tgk nama melayu sorg je... hurm... apa pun Mira sngt LUCKY & MURAH REZEKI! Tahniah!

  3. ari tu spa, kali ni smurf..mak jeles noks...hahahah---> i patah balik statement u, hahahahhaha

  4. tahniah.. tahniah.. semua pakat2 menang contest nampaknye.. ayu-dutch lady, ezna- anmum, suzz-pa&ma..horeyyyyyyyyyyyy

  5. tapi sampai sekarang ila teringat mesin basuh yg wan menang..almaklum ila mmg asik mengadap mesin basuh haha

  6. congrats babe!! yg penting menang!! and u are the only malay tu..bangga babe!!!

  7. congrats dear..come2 hadiah tu..


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