Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Ahoy to Neverland - Part 1... Before the event started...

Finally, I managed to grab my laptop.. Thanks to Mama for dropping me at my crib just to take my laptop, ok ok, not exactly, the main reason was to get my son's school bag, dan itulah sambil menyelam minum air.. and yes, I am gonna stay in Kemensah for at least a month.. err or longer :d..

Ladies, take a closer look at the event card invitation, tengok card jer hati dah berbunga-bunga kan.. Emir was too excited, especially now his favorite cartoon is Jake and The Neverland Pirates..

The event was held at Bukia Kiara Equestrian Club and mind you, you will never get lost on how to get there as the signboard for this event adalah di merata-rata tempat...

and knowing Emir yang sangat susah ambik gambar, but at this event, he was a camera friendly.. Just asked him to pose and he would give his best pose.. :D bukan senang Emir macam gini...

 Yes, even though Jake and The Neverland Pirates has yet to be aired on Disney Junior channel (11 July), but everytime ade iklan ke ape, Emir will kelam kabut to get his eyes on Jake..

The event was supposed to start at 9 am, but it was only started at 10 am.. Nasib baik Emir mood baikkk punye..

So, before the stage was conquered by Zahid AF tu, baiklah ibu dan anak beramah mesra dengan kamera dulu...

and the invitation for 4, so i invited my cousin, Ira and her daughter, Mia to join me and Emir since Mr. Husband sedang di dalam pesawat Air Asia :(

Peace!! from Emir.. tunggu yer Ibu Emir update what happened during the event.. :D

To be continued...



  1. mira,hehe.berangan rasa nak bawa aleesya join2 gini..kena tunggu aleesya beso sket da faham and behave more.keke

  2. akan mase nyer sampai.. kejapppppp je tu.. :d

  3. bestla.. ayu pg, suz pegi, u pun pegi..waaaaaaaaaaa..nak jugak

  4. comel emir posing2 dgn rela hati tu hehehhe

  5. and semua gambar ade PEACE no war hehehe


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