I think it is quite early to wish Selamat Hari Raya but I dunno whether I am able to grab and hide the laptop away from Mr. Husband. am supposed to be on leave today but happily I go to work and cancel my leave. and now, im bored.. its so long to wait for 430 pm sharp.
How is my Ramadhan, honestly I might say it was not as great as before I was married. That time I have ample time to recite, pray and just do whatever I want. But its ok, jage anak pun ibadah jugak since you let ur loved one perform the tarawikh.
And this Ramadhan, I pray hard that the red flag didnt come. No, i dont mind to Ganti puasa, but im hoping if there will be a miracle but finally two days back the time hasnt come yet. Perhaps Emir needs more time to play and pampered by his parents. Tak pelah, tak de rezeki namenyer..
And again, I spent the whole Ramadhan at my parents house. It is so nice when everything is on the table and done by someone. kehkehkeh. But above all, I missed my home and I do missed my kitchen. My dad always asked me to cook for him, cook something differnt but as to date, yang i masak semua sempoi sempoi jer..
Pasar Ramadhan. Melawati is also famous with its pasar Ramadhan, but guess what I have never been to Pasar Ramadan this time around. Well, my mum is quite reluctant when we buy any outside food. She will cook whatever we want to eat. Knowing my mum, she actually "banned" any outside food. And seriously we are used to it, tak berape biase sangat makan dekat luar and I dont even know which stall is the favorite among Melawatian.
Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, jemput datang rumah , bile bile mase pun boleh BUTTTTTTT call me first .. hehehhe kalau sergah, i pretend tak dak sape kat rumah.. hahaha..
Minta maaf kalau ade terkasar bahasa, tersilap kate and terlebih kate.
Emran, Amira & Emir
p/s My back pain dah makin hilang. Alhamdulillah..
Selamat Hari Raya Mira, Emran and Emir! Hope you have a great Raya and holiday...
ReplyDeleteGood to hear your backpain dah kurang.
Hmm kalau camni nak terjah jer to your house since dah ada open invitation..huhuh. Eh jempu datang rumah jugak tau...
cantik gambar.
ReplyDeleteselamat hari raya!
hhahahah love the pic! so impulsive! anyway, i'm so glad to hear your back pain is kurang now. hope it goes away! selamat hari raya to you and your family, maaf zahir batin..