Thursday, September 04, 2008

Aidan Second Birthday Party

This entry was long overdue. It was just me waiting for my hubby to transfer the pictures. actually he has transferred on the same day :) but it was just me yang tengah bermalas-malasan.

We missed the cake cutting session as we were waiting for the heavy rain to stop. The theme was FOOTbaLL.. By the time we reached there, the cake was nowhere to be found.. ehhehe.. Anyway, as usual Mummy Aidan (pronounce A - Den) did a great great job. She was panicked all the way 2 months before this party, and she has the reason why - because she wants everything to be super perrrfeccto!! Dott, i rase u bukak satu lagi company laa, buat event management :).. cos u r good in planning :)

With Mummy Rizq - akhirnyer jumpe jugak si rizq ngan mummy dia, kalau tak jumpe virtually je..

With birthday boy

another blogger friend - Mar didnt recognize me :( but once she looked at EMIR!! baru laa.. Emir is more popular than me heheheh

Mummy Aidan in action..

And Adnan.. besar dah dia, i still remember pegang dia when he was 2 days old (if im not mistaken).. kecik je cos he is a premature baby. tengok sekarang comel kan..

lepas tu kiterang bawak Emir main hehehehe..


  1. OMG, Emir dah besar hensem cm anak omputih pn ada gk!how fast time flies mira, seriously anak ko comel.

  2. ha ah kejap je, nanti fatiha pun same jugak, kejap je dah nak memanjat-manjat :)

  3. wah party sakan bebudak ni ye! heheheh. by the way, mira, i like your new template lah.

  4. sakan laa especially si dot tu :) new template ni dari blogger je laa

  5. i still remember the day you came to visit Adnan at the hospital. Tiny kan.. huhu now dah besar..esp perut buncit..

    Thank you for coming..
    the cake we had to hide it at the kitchen coz banyak budak nak tendang kek bola..huhuh

    I agree with you Mira, babies are more famous than the mommies.. i too bila nampak the babies baru i kenal.. hahaha

    now tengah nak panic Adnan's birthday lak. Next year both of them will have one share bday party..mommy nie dah tak larat dah...

  6. laaa ye ker, the cake was great!! nanti bila adnan punyer bday, dont forget me ya :) and yes, i still remember bile tengok Adnan, dari situ i dah nak sorang lagi, tapi ip until now tak de rezeki lagi

  7. mira.. aku penah termalu.. masa tunggu lif kat umah ada sorg akak tu pandang2 aku cam kenal je.. aku pn senyum la kan.. sekali dia tanya aku.. ni haikal ke?? (aku tgh dukung haikal) aduh.. femes anak aku.. rupa2nya akak tu jiran ngan my bbsitter :P


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