Need you help
Aha, again i skipped my class, i wrongfully read my timetable, so i then called Dearie. Well, this is the first time ever, we chatted on the phone with 03 to 03 numbers, so can reduced a lot of my mum's telephobe bill. (My mum paid the bill but later on i will pay her back.) For more than 3 years we have to rely on handphone number which seriously becomes a BIG problem for us to save some cash. But, as the time goes by, like my housemate said "dah season", the bills is acceptable. Still remember, 2 times i spend my scholar pocket money to pay my phone bills which is that time was more than rm1000, and after that i suffered. Ya maa, kene catu makan.
Ok, that was during our ealier year of courtship. Hehe. Today, after the class i packed myself to send my wedding invitation card to Melawatian friends and i asked Jamilah to accompany me. Nadimah, where were you? Ish ish ish, aku tunggu ko kat luar rumah adelah dalam 15 minit, tapi ko tak keluar2. Sorry, the cards are very very limited and i have to combine several names in one card. Halal la erk. Group2 ampang sabar dulu erk.
By the way, i really need your suggestion, i receieved an info that one of PTD assessment is to do public speaking. Two topics - English and BM. Can you give me some ideas that can attract the audience?? Please.. Thanks for your help. Really appreciate it. Samah?? Emmachan?? Shameen?? Ujie??
wordless wednesday #659
3 hours ago
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