ISO?? Ini Susahkan Orang
Makin lame makin jarang lak mira update blog ni, betul betul tak berkesempatan, baru-baru ni pulak internet kat ofis down about 1 week. i thought they gonna fix in next year but haha dont underestimate this college :p tak sampai seminggu everything is fine. Mira je tak de mase.
Minggu ni keje makin bertambah banyak, dengan orang ISO nak datang, so as acting LIC i had to prepare all the documents. Memang buang mase betul la keje tu sebab keje mira yang patut mira buat - marking paper - tak sudah-sudah sampai sekarang. Orang lain semua dah abis marking, mira sorang je tak habis lagi.. *sigh*
ok, talking about ISO, yerp this college applied to get the ISO certified for almost 3 years but only this year, the ISO ready to give the approval. Well, talking about ISO, for me, it is more defined as Ini Susahkan Orang rather than Ini Senangkan Orang. Basically, ISO is to certify what we want to do, i thought they will check on what we suppose to do To comply this standard we need to prepare all the paperworks from stretch. Unlucky me, by the time i joined this college, there is no LIC and a lot of things need to be done for my school and i unofficially has been in charged to manage all the works.
Really annoying when you have to answer a lot of questions that is not suppose belong to me, tapi nak buat macam mane. Ok, yesterday, orang ISO pun datang, and in short, this college has been rewarded ISO 9002. I dont want to question anything although there is thousand questions messing around in my head. How and why :???
Fine with that, the most irritated part when your immediate superior did nt appreciate your work, at least, saying thank you will make me feel better. Ni die nak name die sorang je naik, yang aku pulak bertungkus lumus siapkan bende alah tu. Oh forget to tell u, this branch has been selected to be evaluated by the ISO auditor.
Ok, kepada semua bakal-bakal boss yang kat luar tu, jangan lupe staff anda kerana kalau tak de staff bawah anda, kerje anda memang tak jalan. Ini bukan soal nak jage ego ke ape tapi soal mengappreciate dan memotivate kan staff anda.
Well anyway, im glad, i will be leaving soon!!
Eh, nampak macam mira marah sangat kan, memang pun!! Bukan tu je yang berlaku ade cite lagi best yang boleh memedihkan telinge..
Jom cerite best sikit, Jalan-jalan cari makan minggu ni, kite pergi Chop and Steak yang terletak di Kampung Baru. Sebelum ni memang JJCM pernah singgah dekat sini, Restoren yang memang menarik tak kisah lah sama ade nak belanje keluarge ataupun nak berdating. Di pintu masuk Chop and Steak ni tersergam sebuah bot yang dijadikan tempat mereka memasak dan kaunter membuat bayaran. Konsep yang menarik berjaya ditonjolkan oleh pemilik restaurant. Lantai-lantai ditutupi dengan kayu kayu seakan-akan dek kapal dan di setengah kawasan, seperti jambatan di mana ade beberape ekor ikan dapat dilihat dengan jelas. Pengunjung boleh memilih mane-mane tempat duduk yang koson :D tapi mira amik dekat dengan air terjun tipu-tipu. Makanan die pulak, awesome!! especially, air buah die. Hari tu, em order crab mix sizzling, tapi tak de so he ordered roaster chicken, mira n ina order chicken chop while nadiah ordered grilled chicken. Hargenyer memang affordable. So, sape-sape yang suke makan tu boleh lah pergi dekat Chop and Steak di Kampung Baru. Patutnye mira tayang gambar kan, tapi cable tak de pulak
Ok, good news lagi. mira dapat anak sedara baru hahaha. actually anak sedara Dearie. Congratulation to Abang Aril and Kak Ros for their forth baby Alya Dayana. 3.66kg. Putih and comel. Mmm, baru terpikir, nanti ape patut anak sedara Dearie nak panggil mira erk?? Kak Mira hahahaha..!!
wordless wednesday #659
2 hours ago
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