Satu demi satu berita mengejutkan yang mira terima sebelum 2004 berakhir. Kira makin lama makin mencabar mira hendak bertemu dengan hari yang mendatang. Terbaru, satu demi satu panggilan telefon yang mira terima dari orang HR. Rasa makin susah mira hendak resign, tak tau la ape salah mira lagi. Pagi tadi, boss minta offer letter tapi bile petang, mereka tak mau terima offer letter tu. Pelbagai alasan diterima, katenya program yang mira nak ikut ni tidak menjanjikan sebarang pekerjaan dan bermacam-macam lagi berbanding kalau mira duduk je kat kolej tu. Banyak la die, duduk sini pun tak dapat ape, benefit n bonus jauh sekali. Mira pergi buat check up pun kene potong gaji, kawan mira buat pregnancy test pun kene potong gaji. Bayangkan staff lame kerje bertahun-tahun, 5% je increment. Tu je bende yang derang pernah rase, so can you imagine that?
C'mon laa, siapa yang sanggup bayar kite rm10 ribu untuk pergi kursus, tambahan pula mira ade spirit untuk belajar benda baru dan mira rasa inilah bidang yang mira patut masuk dari dulu lagi. Dan paling utama, adakah rasional mira nak tinggalkan kursus tu semata-mata kerana kolej ni, dengan gaji yang sebanyak tu.
Tapi, jika sesuatu yang tak dijangka berlaku, mira memang tak akan sincere lagi mengajar kat kolej tu, mira tak akan loyal dan tak akan komited lagi seperti ape yang mira lakukan pade hari ini.
Hmm, esok mungkin mira nak face to face dengan orang yang paling berpengaruh di seluruh rangkaian kolej ni, kire orang yang paling tinggi. Itupun kalau die ade n die nak layan mira. i have to, kalau tak impian ni terkubur macam tu saje. Kepada yang lain, ingat lah sebelum anda menandatangani kontrak tu, berjaga-jagalah jangan jadi macam mira especially kalau company tu private company. Jangan percaya langsung dengan janji manis mereka, menipu je lebih. Mereka bukan nak kite sebab kita, tapi mereka nak kita sebab nak menggunakan kita sehabis mungkin.
i love this profession, but with this kind of situation i feel that im being used!! enough say..
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Typing my disappointment
Geramnya!!! Today, i went to the government dental clinic in Pandan Dalam. it has been quite sometime i didnt visit this center. Last time, ive been here when my auntie was working as the dentist, but currently she is pursuing her master program. Actually i can just call her to set an appointment with her friends but i dont like to use the idea in using someone's name to get my own personal benefit. Plus, im big enough to settle things on my own.
Last week, i went there during lunch hour but the registration is only opened from 8am to 11am. So, early this morning, after getting permission from my boss, i arrived there around 9am but one of the lady asked me to wait because she needs to calculate the bills. Yerp, i spent my time staring at every person whom just entered to the clinic. Tak aci, sebab derang dapat nombor dulu.
so, after a while this lady called me and the first question she asked me was "Adik tinggal mana?" and i just said Taman Melawati. And.... after some explaination, i am not entitled to get the services. That lady is not someone to be blamed, she is doing her duties and i do respect that.
But somehow, why this thing happened in Malaysia because this is not the first time i received this kind of explaination. Last time, i made a phone call to lodge a report about "something" and it turned up whereby i had to go through six person in three different district.
Cant we use the advancement in technology to get a proper system? and what happened if a patient really needs the treatment? Mira nak sangat tahu kenape la mira nyer gusi ni selalu sangat bleeding, kenape ade cracking here and there, kenape ade plak yang susah sangat nak hilangkan? kenape dah umur 22 gigi bongsu tak keluar-keluar lagi. Hmm.. next week i will be very busy with my new timetable from morning class until night class. Dunno when i can get my free time then.
Gambar kawin abang kabi dengan kak Ginie, kalau nak tengok banyak gambar lagi pergi kat Mira tak pi, Dearie sorang je pergi and picture is quite blurry because our digicam is with me. :) So em had to use other camera. Actually i just want to say, its not from our camera.. hahahah. To abang kabi and kak ginie, SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU. SEMOGA BERKEKALAN KE ANAK CUCU.
Mase ni pengantin baru nak masuk dewan kot..
Pengantin kat meje untuk makan beradab
Gambar pengantin yang paling dekat.. Comel kan kak ginie.
Ok yang lain tengok kat blog STAR erk.. :p
Geramnya!!! Today, i went to the government dental clinic in Pandan Dalam. it has been quite sometime i didnt visit this center. Last time, ive been here when my auntie was working as the dentist, but currently she is pursuing her master program. Actually i can just call her to set an appointment with her friends but i dont like to use the idea in using someone's name to get my own personal benefit. Plus, im big enough to settle things on my own.
Last week, i went there during lunch hour but the registration is only opened from 8am to 11am. So, early this morning, after getting permission from my boss, i arrived there around 9am but one of the lady asked me to wait because she needs to calculate the bills. Yerp, i spent my time staring at every person whom just entered to the clinic. Tak aci, sebab derang dapat nombor dulu.
so, after a while this lady called me and the first question she asked me was "Adik tinggal mana?" and i just said Taman Melawati. And.... after some explaination, i am not entitled to get the services. That lady is not someone to be blamed, she is doing her duties and i do respect that.
But somehow, why this thing happened in Malaysia because this is not the first time i received this kind of explaination. Last time, i made a phone call to lodge a report about "something" and it turned up whereby i had to go through six person in three different district.
Cant we use the advancement in technology to get a proper system? and what happened if a patient really needs the treatment? Mira nak sangat tahu kenape la mira nyer gusi ni selalu sangat bleeding, kenape ade cracking here and there, kenape ade plak yang susah sangat nak hilangkan? kenape dah umur 22 gigi bongsu tak keluar-keluar lagi. Hmm.. next week i will be very busy with my new timetable from morning class until night class. Dunno when i can get my free time then.
Gambar kawin abang kabi dengan kak Ginie, kalau nak tengok banyak gambar lagi pergi kat Mira tak pi, Dearie sorang je pergi and picture is quite blurry because our digicam is with me. :) So em had to use other camera. Actually i just want to say, its not from our camera.. hahahah. To abang kabi and kak ginie, SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU. SEMOGA BERKEKALAN KE ANAK CUCU.
Mase ni pengantin baru nak masuk dewan kot..
Pengantin kat meje untuk makan beradab
Gambar pengantin yang paling dekat.. Comel kan kak ginie.
Ok yang lain tengok kat blog STAR erk.. :p
Monday, December 27, 2004
Jendela 2004
2004 hampir melabuhkan tirainya dalam masa empat hari lagi, berbagai-bagai episod suka dan duka yang mewarnai 2004. Akhir tahun ini, kita dikejutkan dengan ombak besar Tsunami yang direkodkan paling buruk pada abad ini berukuran 8.9 pada skala Richter. Bencana ini menyebabkan 28 rangkaian gegaran yang melibatkan beberapa buah negara termasuk Malaysia. Sehingga detik jari jemari Mira menaip artikel ini, 51 angka kematian dicatatkan di seluruh Malaysia dan jumlah ini paling banyak direkodkan di Pulau Pinang.
Tiada siapa menyangka Tsunami melibatkan negara kita, namun Allah lebih mengetahui segalanya, Allah tidak akan jadikan sesuatu tanpa sebab dan hikmah untuk kita ambil iktibar daripadanya. Mira di sini bukan hendak mengungkai maksud Tsunami, namun ingin mengupas dan mengajak anda semua berfikir sejenak hikmah di sebalik Tsunami.
Allah mengurniakan rezeki kepada kita tidak kira betapa jahat atau baik nya kita di muka bumi ini, begitulah betapa agungnya kasih Allah kepada kita. Tetapi kita sebagai makhluk Allah, sering terlupa dan lalai dalam mengerjakan suruhanNya. Terleka dengan mainan dunia, kita sanggup meniggalkan apa yang disuruh dan menunaikan apa yang dilarang. Islam hanya dibibir dan tidak dihati, Islam itu indah tapi kita sebagai umatnya yang menconteng kesucian agama ini.
Namun, rahmat dan nikmat yang Allah berikan tidak pernah putus-putus diterima. Nikmat berkeluarga, nikmat belajar, nikmat makanan dan nikmat kebahagiaan hanyalah sekelumit dari apa yang telah diberikan. Kita patut malu dan insaf pada diri kita sendiri kerana siapalah diri kita jika dibandingkan dengan para rasul, para sahabat dan alim ulamak. Bayangkan, golongan ini menitiskan air mata kerana bimbang ibadah mereka tidak cukup untuk berdepan dengan Allah, tetapi kita? Tepuk dada Tanya iman.
Jika sesiapa yang membeli akhbar Mingguan Malaysia semalam 26 Disember 2004, bacalah sisipan Soal Jawab Agama mengenai Kematian bersama Dr Amran Kasimin. Kita tidak tahu bagaimana kita menghadapi kematian dan kita tidak tahu bilakah giliran kita tetapi sesuatu yang pasti semua makhluk akan melaluinya. Dan sakaratulmaut teramatlah dasyat dan ibu kepada segala kesakitan.
Orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh akan didatangi oleh malaikat maut dengan rupa yang amat elok dan Allah meredainya. Roh yang kafir, musyrik, munafik dan mereka yang tidak menerima kebenaran AlQuran juga kerasulan Muhammad diambil dengan sifat bengis dan kejam. Rupanya pun sudah cukup mengerikan. (Surah Muhammad : Ayat 27)
Jadi, fikirkan jalan mana yang kita hendak pilih kerana diri kita lah yang menentukan jalan hidup kita. Ambillah iktibar dari kejadian Tsunami, mungkin kedatangan Tsunami adalah amaran dari Allah swt supaya kita kembali ke jalan yang diredhai oleh Allah swt.
Paling utama, dirikan solat kerana solat adalah tiang agama, tanpa solat runtuhlah agama kita. Sebaik manapun seseorang itu, jika tidak diiringi dengan solat lima waktu sehari semalam, maka tiada manisnya kita bercinta dengan Allah.
2004 hampir melabuhkan tirainya dalam masa empat hari lagi, berbagai-bagai episod suka dan duka yang mewarnai 2004. Akhir tahun ini, kita dikejutkan dengan ombak besar Tsunami yang direkodkan paling buruk pada abad ini berukuran 8.9 pada skala Richter. Bencana ini menyebabkan 28 rangkaian gegaran yang melibatkan beberapa buah negara termasuk Malaysia. Sehingga detik jari jemari Mira menaip artikel ini, 51 angka kematian dicatatkan di seluruh Malaysia dan jumlah ini paling banyak direkodkan di Pulau Pinang.
Tiada siapa menyangka Tsunami melibatkan negara kita, namun Allah lebih mengetahui segalanya, Allah tidak akan jadikan sesuatu tanpa sebab dan hikmah untuk kita ambil iktibar daripadanya. Mira di sini bukan hendak mengungkai maksud Tsunami, namun ingin mengupas dan mengajak anda semua berfikir sejenak hikmah di sebalik Tsunami.
Allah mengurniakan rezeki kepada kita tidak kira betapa jahat atau baik nya kita di muka bumi ini, begitulah betapa agungnya kasih Allah kepada kita. Tetapi kita sebagai makhluk Allah, sering terlupa dan lalai dalam mengerjakan suruhanNya. Terleka dengan mainan dunia, kita sanggup meniggalkan apa yang disuruh dan menunaikan apa yang dilarang. Islam hanya dibibir dan tidak dihati, Islam itu indah tapi kita sebagai umatnya yang menconteng kesucian agama ini.
Namun, rahmat dan nikmat yang Allah berikan tidak pernah putus-putus diterima. Nikmat berkeluarga, nikmat belajar, nikmat makanan dan nikmat kebahagiaan hanyalah sekelumit dari apa yang telah diberikan. Kita patut malu dan insaf pada diri kita sendiri kerana siapalah diri kita jika dibandingkan dengan para rasul, para sahabat dan alim ulamak. Bayangkan, golongan ini menitiskan air mata kerana bimbang ibadah mereka tidak cukup untuk berdepan dengan Allah, tetapi kita? Tepuk dada Tanya iman.
Jika sesiapa yang membeli akhbar Mingguan Malaysia semalam 26 Disember 2004, bacalah sisipan Soal Jawab Agama mengenai Kematian bersama Dr Amran Kasimin. Kita tidak tahu bagaimana kita menghadapi kematian dan kita tidak tahu bilakah giliran kita tetapi sesuatu yang pasti semua makhluk akan melaluinya. Dan sakaratulmaut teramatlah dasyat dan ibu kepada segala kesakitan.
Orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh akan didatangi oleh malaikat maut dengan rupa yang amat elok dan Allah meredainya. Roh yang kafir, musyrik, munafik dan mereka yang tidak menerima kebenaran AlQuran juga kerasulan Muhammad diambil dengan sifat bengis dan kejam. Rupanya pun sudah cukup mengerikan. (Surah Muhammad : Ayat 27)
Jadi, fikirkan jalan mana yang kita hendak pilih kerana diri kita lah yang menentukan jalan hidup kita. Ambillah iktibar dari kejadian Tsunami, mungkin kedatangan Tsunami adalah amaran dari Allah swt supaya kita kembali ke jalan yang diredhai oleh Allah swt.
Paling utama, dirikan solat kerana solat adalah tiang agama, tanpa solat runtuhlah agama kita. Sebaik manapun seseorang itu, jika tidak diiringi dengan solat lima waktu sehari semalam, maka tiada manisnya kita bercinta dengan Allah.
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Friday, December 24, 2004
One step towards Conversion Program
More and more staffs are on leave lately, yerp because this college just allow 3 days to bring forward their leaves, if not it will automatically burned. But, i only have half day left, another half day i already applied for the briefing.
To be honest, i am really excited and very determined to join this program. May be the best reason is, i can get away from all of this mess, second reason - take up a new challenge especially out of from IT lines. Dearie said, im not good in IT which definitely true!! Plus, learning is the continuos process, i guess the combination of IT and accountant suits the current business world.
Talking about the briefing, i was amazed to see the speaker especially the 34 year old woman who is now hold a General Manager position. The career prospect is what influenced me most.
As you know, to become a chartered accountant you need to undergo 3 years process which they (the speaker) defined as the most suffering years but the most valuable experience. But insyaAllah, after that the sky is our limit because most companies valued the chartered accountant.
To highlight this, why not i sacrifice my 3 years out of my 20 years of working right? Yerp, but thinking about my commitment in the future, hmm i really really not sure whether i can take this risk or not. But at the momment, i already confirmed to join the 3 or 6 months conversion course.
More and more staffs are on leave lately, yerp because this college just allow 3 days to bring forward their leaves, if not it will automatically burned. But, i only have half day left, another half day i already applied for the briefing.
To be honest, i am really excited and very determined to join this program. May be the best reason is, i can get away from all of this mess, second reason - take up a new challenge especially out of from IT lines. Dearie said, im not good in IT which definitely true!! Plus, learning is the continuos process, i guess the combination of IT and accountant suits the current business world.
Talking about the briefing, i was amazed to see the speaker especially the 34 year old woman who is now hold a General Manager position. The career prospect is what influenced me most.
As you know, to become a chartered accountant you need to undergo 3 years process which they (the speaker) defined as the most suffering years but the most valuable experience. But insyaAllah, after that the sky is our limit because most companies valued the chartered accountant.
To highlight this, why not i sacrifice my 3 years out of my 20 years of working right? Yerp, but thinking about my commitment in the future, hmm i really really not sure whether i can take this risk or not. But at the momment, i already confirmed to join the 3 or 6 months conversion course.
Monday, December 20, 2004
Last Saturday, i watched Carmen performed at Istana Budaya. It was the longest theatre ive been watching so far. How was it? emm its a bit frustrated because i couldnt read the subtitle. Yerp, most of the dialogues are in Spanish, and i dint know that. i purposedly left my specs but luckily focused on the soprano vocal -repeated the same words- so i managed to get the lines although it was a bit blurry. Luckily mama helped me to understand the scene. After watching Carmen, one thing is i do more appreciate our Malaysian product, because it represents our culture and our heritage. I couldnt bear with the ending, how come Carmen has been killed by someone whom loved her so much. If in Islam or in our Malay culture, kite percaya pada qadak dan qadar, and life goes on.Anyway, here is the synopsis taken from virtualmalaysia.
Carmen is an opera full of seduction, jealousy, love and betrayal which was first performed in Paris in 1875 and considered shockingly obscene at the time.
Don Jose, a young corporal thinks that he is in love with Micaela until a gypsy called Carmen flirtatiously throws a red flower at his feet and captivates him with her sexual allure. When Carmen is arrested after a brawl in a factory, she is put under Jose's guard but he besottedly allows her to escape, thus earning himself time in jail and loss of rank.
When Escamillo, a glamorous toreador appears in a tavern, he is attracted to Carmen but she is still intrigued by Jon Dose who has just been released from prison. After Escamillo leaves, Jose enters the tavern and he confesses to Carmen that he is infatuated with her. Carmen taunts him seductively and he ignores the trumpet recalling him to barracks. Instead, he decides to become an outlaw, joining up with Carmen and a group of smugglers.
Escamillo fights Don Jose over Carmen. She sides with Escamillo and accepts his invitation to a bullfight but Jose remains determined to win Carmen back.
Outside the bullring, crowd hail Escamillo, who is accompanied by Carmen. Her friends warn that the enraged Jose is pursuing her, but she fatalistically stays her ground. Inside the bullring, Escamillo triumphs as Jose confronts Carmen and begs for her love. When she refuses, he kills her and gives himself up to the authorities.
And yesteday, we went to Genting Highlands, its really a short trip, arrived there around 3 pm and checked out at 6pm. Nothing much, just keeping ourselves bz at the hotel while waiting for mama. I supposed to take MC today, but thinking theres a lot of work that need to be done, so i decided to go to the office. Since i was the mastermind, hehe the rest of my siblings followed my deccision and cancelled our plan to stay a night there. hehe. Anyway, this picture taken by youngest sister-Azyan. Ape macam skill die amik gambar dari tingkap..??
and this is my youngest sister, dunno where they took this pic, maybe somewhere near the lobby.. btw, i like the scenery...
Last Saturday, i watched Carmen performed at Istana Budaya. It was the longest theatre ive been watching so far. How was it? emm its a bit frustrated because i couldnt read the subtitle. Yerp, most of the dialogues are in Spanish, and i dint know that. i purposedly left my specs but luckily focused on the soprano vocal -repeated the same words- so i managed to get the lines although it was a bit blurry. Luckily mama helped me to understand the scene. After watching Carmen, one thing is i do more appreciate our Malaysian product, because it represents our culture and our heritage. I couldnt bear with the ending, how come Carmen has been killed by someone whom loved her so much. If in Islam or in our Malay culture, kite percaya pada qadak dan qadar, and life goes on.Anyway, here is the synopsis taken from virtualmalaysia.
Carmen is an opera full of seduction, jealousy, love and betrayal which was first performed in Paris in 1875 and considered shockingly obscene at the time.
Don Jose, a young corporal thinks that he is in love with Micaela until a gypsy called Carmen flirtatiously throws a red flower at his feet and captivates him with her sexual allure. When Carmen is arrested after a brawl in a factory, she is put under Jose's guard but he besottedly allows her to escape, thus earning himself time in jail and loss of rank.
When Escamillo, a glamorous toreador appears in a tavern, he is attracted to Carmen but she is still intrigued by Jon Dose who has just been released from prison. After Escamillo leaves, Jose enters the tavern and he confesses to Carmen that he is infatuated with her. Carmen taunts him seductively and he ignores the trumpet recalling him to barracks. Instead, he decides to become an outlaw, joining up with Carmen and a group of smugglers.
Escamillo fights Don Jose over Carmen. She sides with Escamillo and accepts his invitation to a bullfight but Jose remains determined to win Carmen back.
Outside the bullring, crowd hail Escamillo, who is accompanied by Carmen. Her friends warn that the enraged Jose is pursuing her, but she fatalistically stays her ground. Inside the bullring, Escamillo triumphs as Jose confronts Carmen and begs for her love. When she refuses, he kills her and gives himself up to the authorities.
And yesteday, we went to Genting Highlands, its really a short trip, arrived there around 3 pm and checked out at 6pm. Nothing much, just keeping ourselves bz at the hotel while waiting for mama. I supposed to take MC today, but thinking theres a lot of work that need to be done, so i decided to go to the office. Since i was the mastermind, hehe the rest of my siblings followed my deccision and cancelled our plan to stay a night there. hehe. Anyway, this picture taken by youngest sister-Azyan. Ape macam skill die amik gambar dari tingkap..??
and this is my youngest sister, dunno where they took this pic, maybe somewhere near the lobby.. btw, i like the scenery...
Saturday, December 18, 2004
IELTS result
Tadi dekat kolej mira derang buat course preview, maksudnye derang brief la ape course yang di offer kat kolej ni.. dari beratus-ratus derang call and distribute brochure, 50 agreed nak datang, tapi dari 50 tu 13 orang je turned up hahaha.. memang dah buat research dah pun, kalau kite buat marketing, 25% je yang ikut feedback. so kire betul la calculation tu.
So hari ni bukan je academic staff kat kolej mira je involved, tapi lecturer dari branch lain pun datang untuk bagi support termasuk director. So lepas habis preview tu, kiterang pun buat la sesi kaunseling, tapi sebab tak de budak datang approach us nak sesi kaunseling, so kiterang pun borak-borak. Terkejut gak sebab lecturer dari branch lain tau mira nak resign and tau mane mira nak pergi. Sume macam menggalakkan, ingatkan tadi nak jumpe director, sebab bagi jugak mira lepas contract tu, tapi tengok die dok borak2 so malas la mira nak mencelah.
Habis ofis, mira and the gang lepak japkat secret recipies, bukannya nakmakan tapi tapi nak bergosip, mane tak nyer geram mase course preview tadi, orang yang patut bagi talk main selamber je tak datang, off handphone and terpakse la kiterang yang ade ni jadik bidan terjun. tapi at last dapat la kene kan balik orang tak irresponsible tu. Mesti korang tak paham kan .. hehe tapi conclusion die, kat kolej ni memang orang suke tak buatkeje, dulu mase kat petronas tu tak penah tengok perangai orang macam ni.
Then lepas tu pi british council amik result ielts lepas seminggu lebih result keluar.. mase amik result rase panic jugak, but from the beginning mira memang dah agak tak dapat result sebaik si Ani. I know i dint do that well, tambah-tambah mase writing session sebab mase tu memang tak tahan gile nak pi toilet :p. Ok, result mira tak berape menggalakkan tapi still have a chance to apply. Mule-mule cakap kat ani nak suruh rasie, tapi bile pk balik buat ape nak rasie bende dah lepas. hehe. Ok, to sit for another ielts, NO WAY, tak dak duit sekarang, so i will be using this result although tak berape ok. Orait, nak solat zohor..
Tadi dekat kolej mira derang buat course preview, maksudnye derang brief la ape course yang di offer kat kolej ni.. dari beratus-ratus derang call and distribute brochure, 50 agreed nak datang, tapi dari 50 tu 13 orang je turned up hahaha.. memang dah buat research dah pun, kalau kite buat marketing, 25% je yang ikut feedback. so kire betul la calculation tu.
So hari ni bukan je academic staff kat kolej mira je involved, tapi lecturer dari branch lain pun datang untuk bagi support termasuk director. So lepas habis preview tu, kiterang pun buat la sesi kaunseling, tapi sebab tak de budak datang approach us nak sesi kaunseling, so kiterang pun borak-borak. Terkejut gak sebab lecturer dari branch lain tau mira nak resign and tau mane mira nak pergi. Sume macam menggalakkan, ingatkan tadi nak jumpe director, sebab bagi jugak mira lepas contract tu, tapi tengok die dok borak2 so malas la mira nak mencelah.
Habis ofis, mira and the gang lepak japkat secret recipies, bukannya nakmakan tapi tapi nak bergosip, mane tak nyer geram mase course preview tadi, orang yang patut bagi talk main selamber je tak datang, off handphone and terpakse la kiterang yang ade ni jadik bidan terjun. tapi at last dapat la kene kan balik orang tak irresponsible tu. Mesti korang tak paham kan .. hehe tapi conclusion die, kat kolej ni memang orang suke tak buatkeje, dulu mase kat petronas tu tak penah tengok perangai orang macam ni.
Then lepas tu pi british council amik result ielts lepas seminggu lebih result keluar.. mase amik result rase panic jugak, but from the beginning mira memang dah agak tak dapat result sebaik si Ani. I know i dint do that well, tambah-tambah mase writing session sebab mase tu memang tak tahan gile nak pi toilet :p. Ok, result mira tak berape menggalakkan tapi still have a chance to apply. Mule-mule cakap kat ani nak suruh rasie, tapi bile pk balik buat ape nak rasie bende dah lepas. hehe. Ok, to sit for another ielts, NO WAY, tak dak duit sekarang, so i will be using this result although tak berape ok. Orait, nak solat zohor..
Friday, December 17, 2004
ISO?? Ini Susahkan Orang
Makin lame makin jarang lak mira update blog ni, betul betul tak berkesempatan, baru-baru ni pulak internet kat ofis down about 1 week. i thought they gonna fix in next year but haha dont underestimate this college :p tak sampai seminggu everything is fine. Mira je tak de mase.
Minggu ni keje makin bertambah banyak, dengan orang ISO nak datang, so as acting LIC i had to prepare all the documents. Memang buang mase betul la keje tu sebab keje mira yang patut mira buat - marking paper - tak sudah-sudah sampai sekarang. Orang lain semua dah abis marking, mira sorang je tak habis lagi.. *sigh*
ok, talking about ISO, yerp this college applied to get the ISO certified for almost 3 years but only this year, the ISO ready to give the approval. Well, talking about ISO, for me, it is more defined as Ini Susahkan Orang rather than Ini Senangkan Orang. Basically, ISO is to certify what we want to do, i thought they will check on what we suppose to do To comply this standard we need to prepare all the paperworks from stretch. Unlucky me, by the time i joined this college, there is no LIC and a lot of things need to be done for my school and i unofficially has been in charged to manage all the works.
Really annoying when you have to answer a lot of questions that is not suppose belong to me, tapi nak buat macam mane. Ok, yesterday, orang ISO pun datang, and in short, this college has been rewarded ISO 9002. I dont want to question anything although there is thousand questions messing around in my head. How and why :???
Fine with that, the most irritated part when your immediate superior did nt appreciate your work, at least, saying thank you will make me feel better. Ni die nak name die sorang je naik, yang aku pulak bertungkus lumus siapkan bende alah tu. Oh forget to tell u, this branch has been selected to be evaluated by the ISO auditor.
Ok, kepada semua bakal-bakal boss yang kat luar tu, jangan lupe staff anda kerana kalau tak de staff bawah anda, kerje anda memang tak jalan. Ini bukan soal nak jage ego ke ape tapi soal mengappreciate dan memotivate kan staff anda.
Well anyway, im glad, i will be leaving soon!!
Eh, nampak macam mira marah sangat kan, memang pun!! Bukan tu je yang berlaku ade cite lagi best yang boleh memedihkan telinge..
Jom cerite best sikit, Jalan-jalan cari makan minggu ni, kite pergi Chop and Steak yang terletak di Kampung Baru. Sebelum ni memang JJCM pernah singgah dekat sini, Restoren yang memang menarik tak kisah lah sama ade nak belanje keluarge ataupun nak berdating. Di pintu masuk Chop and Steak ni tersergam sebuah bot yang dijadikan tempat mereka memasak dan kaunter membuat bayaran. Konsep yang menarik berjaya ditonjolkan oleh pemilik restaurant. Lantai-lantai ditutupi dengan kayu kayu seakan-akan dek kapal dan di setengah kawasan, seperti jambatan di mana ade beberape ekor ikan dapat dilihat dengan jelas. Pengunjung boleh memilih mane-mane tempat duduk yang koson :D tapi mira amik dekat dengan air terjun tipu-tipu. Makanan die pulak, awesome!! especially, air buah die. Hari tu, em order crab mix sizzling, tapi tak de so he ordered roaster chicken, mira n ina order chicken chop while nadiah ordered grilled chicken. Hargenyer memang affordable. So, sape-sape yang suke makan tu boleh lah pergi dekat Chop and Steak di Kampung Baru. Patutnye mira tayang gambar kan, tapi cable tak de pulak
Ok, good news lagi. mira dapat anak sedara baru hahaha. actually anak sedara Dearie. Congratulation to Abang Aril and Kak Ros for their forth baby Alya Dayana. 3.66kg. Putih and comel. Mmm, baru terpikir, nanti ape patut anak sedara Dearie nak panggil mira erk?? Kak Mira hahahaha..!!
Makin lame makin jarang lak mira update blog ni, betul betul tak berkesempatan, baru-baru ni pulak internet kat ofis down about 1 week. i thought they gonna fix in next year but haha dont underestimate this college :p tak sampai seminggu everything is fine. Mira je tak de mase.
Minggu ni keje makin bertambah banyak, dengan orang ISO nak datang, so as acting LIC i had to prepare all the documents. Memang buang mase betul la keje tu sebab keje mira yang patut mira buat - marking paper - tak sudah-sudah sampai sekarang. Orang lain semua dah abis marking, mira sorang je tak habis lagi.. *sigh*
ok, talking about ISO, yerp this college applied to get the ISO certified for almost 3 years but only this year, the ISO ready to give the approval. Well, talking about ISO, for me, it is more defined as Ini Susahkan Orang rather than Ini Senangkan Orang. Basically, ISO is to certify what we want to do, i thought they will check on what we suppose to do To comply this standard we need to prepare all the paperworks from stretch. Unlucky me, by the time i joined this college, there is no LIC and a lot of things need to be done for my school and i unofficially has been in charged to manage all the works.
Really annoying when you have to answer a lot of questions that is not suppose belong to me, tapi nak buat macam mane. Ok, yesterday, orang ISO pun datang, and in short, this college has been rewarded ISO 9002. I dont want to question anything although there is thousand questions messing around in my head. How and why :???
Fine with that, the most irritated part when your immediate superior did nt appreciate your work, at least, saying thank you will make me feel better. Ni die nak name die sorang je naik, yang aku pulak bertungkus lumus siapkan bende alah tu. Oh forget to tell u, this branch has been selected to be evaluated by the ISO auditor.
Ok, kepada semua bakal-bakal boss yang kat luar tu, jangan lupe staff anda kerana kalau tak de staff bawah anda, kerje anda memang tak jalan. Ini bukan soal nak jage ego ke ape tapi soal mengappreciate dan memotivate kan staff anda.
Well anyway, im glad, i will be leaving soon!!
Eh, nampak macam mira marah sangat kan, memang pun!! Bukan tu je yang berlaku ade cite lagi best yang boleh memedihkan telinge..
Jom cerite best sikit, Jalan-jalan cari makan minggu ni, kite pergi Chop and Steak yang terletak di Kampung Baru. Sebelum ni memang JJCM pernah singgah dekat sini, Restoren yang memang menarik tak kisah lah sama ade nak belanje keluarge ataupun nak berdating. Di pintu masuk Chop and Steak ni tersergam sebuah bot yang dijadikan tempat mereka memasak dan kaunter membuat bayaran. Konsep yang menarik berjaya ditonjolkan oleh pemilik restaurant. Lantai-lantai ditutupi dengan kayu kayu seakan-akan dek kapal dan di setengah kawasan, seperti jambatan di mana ade beberape ekor ikan dapat dilihat dengan jelas. Pengunjung boleh memilih mane-mane tempat duduk yang koson :D tapi mira amik dekat dengan air terjun tipu-tipu. Makanan die pulak, awesome!! especially, air buah die. Hari tu, em order crab mix sizzling, tapi tak de so he ordered roaster chicken, mira n ina order chicken chop while nadiah ordered grilled chicken. Hargenyer memang affordable. So, sape-sape yang suke makan tu boleh lah pergi dekat Chop and Steak di Kampung Baru. Patutnye mira tayang gambar kan, tapi cable tak de pulak
Ok, good news lagi. mira dapat anak sedara baru hahaha. actually anak sedara Dearie. Congratulation to Abang Aril and Kak Ros for their forth baby Alya Dayana. 3.66kg. Putih and comel. Mmm, baru terpikir, nanti ape patut anak sedara Dearie nak panggil mira erk?? Kak Mira hahahaha..!!
Monday, December 13, 2004
Mira after 10 days PART II
Ok, yesterday I end my story after the three days, yerp I m more overjoyed to watch Apprentice rather than blogging. Plus, this is the only show I might say that I watched it with my mum. Oh, please don't tell me who won this game, I would rather wait until the season ends, haha I want that surprised. By the way, one of my uncle (my mom's second cousin) passed away today because of heart attack. AlFatihah to arwah Pak Long Tan. I was shocked to hear the breaking news, since arwah is still healthy. Allah nak tarik kite bile-bile mase pun boleh, tak kire tua atau muda, miskin atau kaye, sihat atau berpenyakit, suke atau duke, kalau Allah kate Jadi make Jadilah. Cuma adakah kite bersedia? Mmm..
Monday, 6 December 2004
My first batch of students who has to sit for the final exam. Was a topful experience, since not only I had to invigilate but it was meaningful when students raise their hands to ask question, and we become their reference. On the first day, they had to sit for Human Resource Management exam, the question is not that tough but unfortunately a few students returned the blank paper. Hmm..
Went home with a lot of works waiting, had to cook for the next day since I invited my colleagues and several of my friends for Hari Raya. Its not an open house, but it just a normal visit to my house. That night I cooked rendang ayam and chocolate cake.
Today, it was one of the interesting days of the week, I received a letter from PETRONAS requesting whether I am interested to follow the conversion program offered by KPMG. Honestly, I was not that interested to further my study in subject which is not related from my degree, but thinking this is the strongest reason to breach my contract, so I may took up the challenged. Note: You know how desperate I am to resign from this college :).
Tuesday, 7 December 2004
I woke up early in the morning with the running nose and I didn't have enough energy to walk and continue my daily routine. Demam and sejuk-sejuk, so for the first time I ever, I decided to take an MC. Called my colleague to inform them I was on leave but they thought I tried to skip to prepare all the dishes. Luckily, I have makcik to assist me. Later in the afternoon, I called my Boss to ask her whether I should come and see my students doing the exam (since I am the only lecturer teaching the subject) but she refused for me to do so. Kind of weird right? Anyway, I still have to go to Ampang Point to take the MC.
Arrived home quite late but I still have a chance to cook sambal sotong. Then one by one guest coming in and until the end of the day, most of the lauk FINISHED. Hehe, so bangge although the chocolate cake tak jadi.
Wednesday, 8 December 2004
Had lunch with my Dearie after he went for UM interview. I really really hope he managed to get the offer since I really really wants to settle down in KL : ) Had lunch in Asean Delight in Ampang Point, a pleasant place for dining in especially with your hubby. Recommended to everyone, currently there is a lunch set promotion for just RM12.90 which is affordable. Dearie and I just ordered one lunch set but ate for two person : ). Tu la sape suruh waiter tu kate, unlimited.
Told Dearie about the course and he advised me to take the offer although he was not pressuring me. Hmm, now I was just thinking to prepare a notice.
Thurday, 9 December 2004
Before arrived to the office, had to send Saffuan to work and Mama to STAR. Mama went to Segamat to join Baba and the rest of the siblings. For the first time ever, I had to stay alone together with Makcik and nenek. I was not get used to the situation, so since I was fasting on that da, so I invited Nadiah to break the fast with me in Station Cafe, Taman Melawati.
Fetched her after Maghrib. While we were busy chit chatting, suddenly Nadiah told me "Mira, orang gile". I was bloody scared since we sat exactly in front of the exit, we just one glance, I saw a man singing happily along the road. I avoid to make an eye contact with that guy, so I just stared at Nadiah. Then Nadiah quickly told me "Mira, die pakai seluar ke tak" and I could not see him anymore. Anyway, that guy according to Nadiah, he was wearing only a Tshirt without any pants. Hmm, and she totally stopped from eating after seeing that show. Haha.
Friday, 10 December 2004
Just arrived at the office abruptly my Boss stopped me at her room, she appointed me to organize the personal files of the students. The one which I hate most. It was damn dreary process whereby it really wasting my time on the work which is supposed belonged to someone. But, before I was going being on her room, i prepared the notice with the help with my entire colleagues. They too just wait for a chance to quit. Everyone is eager about resigning from this college.
The times has come, I walked into the room with the students files in my hands. Before I sat down, I showed the white envelope to her
"Miss A, before we start work, I have something for you" me, with the biggest smile I had
"What's this? Is it true" Miss A felt uneasy
I just nodded
"Oh no, got to find another lecturer" while reading the letter
"Wah, so lucky are you, never mind, I will pass this notice to Dr. B"
"Amira, actually I want to promote you"
Haha, I was not interested at all, promote means more work and I heard they will just want to add another RM150, haha forget it.
Then our conversation is more towards the course. Actually it is not that lucky, I have to go through all the stages before confirming a place in KPMG which is still uncertain. But, I would not tell the college. Spent 3 hours in the Miss A room, chit chatted with Miss A until it becomes a favorite issue in the office.
Later in the evening, we had a meeting with Dr B and it is interesting to watch one by one issued that has been raised up especially in terms of delegation of work. But somehow, I was quite irritating towards the Dr B reaction about delegation of work. Typical top management. I was glad that I will be away from this whole mess.
Went to mantin with public transport, bus-putra-komuter and dearie pick me up at Batang Benar. You know what, when I was buying the ticket, the guy at the counter laughed at me when I mention that I wanted to go to Batang Benar. Haha. Nasib baik name tempat tu Batang Benar, kalau Batang Besar. Opss opps censored.
Dearie, brought me for a dinner at Amira Restaurant at Nilai, cute kan : ) Then we performed Maghrib prayer at one of the mosque in Nilai. SOOO big!! Right after that, we went for a quick shopping at Nilai 3. Then makan sate dekat Beranang before I stayed overnight at his friend's house. Thanks Kak Umei and Kak Jannah, I know you were reading this blog too. :).
Saturday 11 December 2004
Hari yang di tunggu-tunggu, bangun lepas Dearie telefon suruh siap by 10 am. Before we were going back to Malacca, we had to attend Dearie's colleague open house somewhere near the campus. A journey to Malacca, hmm both of us could not stop talking until I did not realize we already reached Batu Berendam.
While waiting for my parents to arrive, I assisted Dearie's mum with the lunch. Hehe, biase laa. :p When my family arrived, his mum asked us to eat first. Hehe, orang lain kalau makan dekat rumah mak mertua sopan santun, tapi mira makan penuh pinggan. That was what my siblings said and Dearie just laughed. Lapor plus ade seafood lagi la.
When they come to the serious topic, I was suspend and really really uncomfortable especially we have to confront both parents to set the date for the BIG day. Finally, hehe sume dah arranged and InsyaAllah if everything is going fine, I will tell you later. Wink wink wink..
Sunday 12 December 2004
Nothing interesting happened. Just get excited with the date. :p
Monday 13 December 2004
Posting panjang sangat, I dah malas .. Thanks for reading..
Ok, yesterday I end my story after the three days, yerp I m more overjoyed to watch Apprentice rather than blogging. Plus, this is the only show I might say that I watched it with my mum. Oh, please don't tell me who won this game, I would rather wait until the season ends, haha I want that surprised. By the way, one of my uncle (my mom's second cousin) passed away today because of heart attack. AlFatihah to arwah Pak Long Tan. I was shocked to hear the breaking news, since arwah is still healthy. Allah nak tarik kite bile-bile mase pun boleh, tak kire tua atau muda, miskin atau kaye, sihat atau berpenyakit, suke atau duke, kalau Allah kate Jadi make Jadilah. Cuma adakah kite bersedia? Mmm..
Monday, 6 December 2004
My first batch of students who has to sit for the final exam. Was a topful experience, since not only I had to invigilate but it was meaningful when students raise their hands to ask question, and we become their reference. On the first day, they had to sit for Human Resource Management exam, the question is not that tough but unfortunately a few students returned the blank paper. Hmm..
Went home with a lot of works waiting, had to cook for the next day since I invited my colleagues and several of my friends for Hari Raya. Its not an open house, but it just a normal visit to my house. That night I cooked rendang ayam and chocolate cake.
Today, it was one of the interesting days of the week, I received a letter from PETRONAS requesting whether I am interested to follow the conversion program offered by KPMG. Honestly, I was not that interested to further my study in subject which is not related from my degree, but thinking this is the strongest reason to breach my contract, so I may took up the challenged. Note: You know how desperate I am to resign from this college :).
Tuesday, 7 December 2004
I woke up early in the morning with the running nose and I didn't have enough energy to walk and continue my daily routine. Demam and sejuk-sejuk, so for the first time I ever, I decided to take an MC. Called my colleague to inform them I was on leave but they thought I tried to skip to prepare all the dishes. Luckily, I have makcik to assist me. Later in the afternoon, I called my Boss to ask her whether I should come and see my students doing the exam (since I am the only lecturer teaching the subject) but she refused for me to do so. Kind of weird right? Anyway, I still have to go to Ampang Point to take the MC.
Arrived home quite late but I still have a chance to cook sambal sotong. Then one by one guest coming in and until the end of the day, most of the lauk FINISHED. Hehe, so bangge although the chocolate cake tak jadi.
Wednesday, 8 December 2004
Had lunch with my Dearie after he went for UM interview. I really really hope he managed to get the offer since I really really wants to settle down in KL : ) Had lunch in Asean Delight in Ampang Point, a pleasant place for dining in especially with your hubby. Recommended to everyone, currently there is a lunch set promotion for just RM12.90 which is affordable. Dearie and I just ordered one lunch set but ate for two person : ). Tu la sape suruh waiter tu kate, unlimited.
Told Dearie about the course and he advised me to take the offer although he was not pressuring me. Hmm, now I was just thinking to prepare a notice.
Thurday, 9 December 2004
Before arrived to the office, had to send Saffuan to work and Mama to STAR. Mama went to Segamat to join Baba and the rest of the siblings. For the first time ever, I had to stay alone together with Makcik and nenek. I was not get used to the situation, so since I was fasting on that da, so I invited Nadiah to break the fast with me in Station Cafe, Taman Melawati.
Fetched her after Maghrib. While we were busy chit chatting, suddenly Nadiah told me "Mira, orang gile". I was bloody scared since we sat exactly in front of the exit, we just one glance, I saw a man singing happily along the road. I avoid to make an eye contact with that guy, so I just stared at Nadiah. Then Nadiah quickly told me "Mira, die pakai seluar ke tak" and I could not see him anymore. Anyway, that guy according to Nadiah, he was wearing only a Tshirt without any pants. Hmm, and she totally stopped from eating after seeing that show. Haha.
Friday, 10 December 2004
Just arrived at the office abruptly my Boss stopped me at her room, she appointed me to organize the personal files of the students. The one which I hate most. It was damn dreary process whereby it really wasting my time on the work which is supposed belonged to someone. But, before I was going being on her room, i prepared the notice with the help with my entire colleagues. They too just wait for a chance to quit. Everyone is eager about resigning from this college.
The times has come, I walked into the room with the students files in my hands. Before I sat down, I showed the white envelope to her
"Miss A, before we start work, I have something for you" me, with the biggest smile I had
"What's this? Is it true" Miss A felt uneasy
I just nodded
"Oh no, got to find another lecturer" while reading the letter
"Wah, so lucky are you, never mind, I will pass this notice to Dr. B"
"Amira, actually I want to promote you"
Haha, I was not interested at all, promote means more work and I heard they will just want to add another RM150, haha forget it.
Then our conversation is more towards the course. Actually it is not that lucky, I have to go through all the stages before confirming a place in KPMG which is still uncertain. But, I would not tell the college. Spent 3 hours in the Miss A room, chit chatted with Miss A until it becomes a favorite issue in the office.
Later in the evening, we had a meeting with Dr B and it is interesting to watch one by one issued that has been raised up especially in terms of delegation of work. But somehow, I was quite irritating towards the Dr B reaction about delegation of work. Typical top management. I was glad that I will be away from this whole mess.
Went to mantin with public transport, bus-putra-komuter and dearie pick me up at Batang Benar. You know what, when I was buying the ticket, the guy at the counter laughed at me when I mention that I wanted to go to Batang Benar. Haha. Nasib baik name tempat tu Batang Benar, kalau Batang Besar. Opss opps censored.
Dearie, brought me for a dinner at Amira Restaurant at Nilai, cute kan : ) Then we performed Maghrib prayer at one of the mosque in Nilai. SOOO big!! Right after that, we went for a quick shopping at Nilai 3. Then makan sate dekat Beranang before I stayed overnight at his friend's house. Thanks Kak Umei and Kak Jannah, I know you were reading this blog too. :).
Saturday 11 December 2004
Hari yang di tunggu-tunggu, bangun lepas Dearie telefon suruh siap by 10 am. Before we were going back to Malacca, we had to attend Dearie's colleague open house somewhere near the campus. A journey to Malacca, hmm both of us could not stop talking until I did not realize we already reached Batu Berendam.
While waiting for my parents to arrive, I assisted Dearie's mum with the lunch. Hehe, biase laa. :p When my family arrived, his mum asked us to eat first. Hehe, orang lain kalau makan dekat rumah mak mertua sopan santun, tapi mira makan penuh pinggan. That was what my siblings said and Dearie just laughed. Lapor plus ade seafood lagi la.
When they come to the serious topic, I was suspend and really really uncomfortable especially we have to confront both parents to set the date for the BIG day. Finally, hehe sume dah arranged and InsyaAllah if everything is going fine, I will tell you later. Wink wink wink..
Sunday 12 December 2004
Nothing interesting happened. Just get excited with the date. :p
Monday 13 December 2004
Posting panjang sangat, I dah malas .. Thanks for reading..
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Mira after 10 days PART I
The longest silence from the blogging world so far, really want to update but I just didn't have the chance of doing so although blogging is part of my hobbies. Actually, I updated one post last Friday, a tribute to my arwah tok wan and pah. I remembered tears running down on my cheek when I was typing all the memories with them. But unfortunately, suddenly I coincidently exit the page and the long long post just gone. Just like that. It is kind of weird, whereby I didn't get mad or disappointed and I even more satisfied with what I did. May be next time.
Friday, 3 December 2004
Seperti yang disedia maklum, sebelum posting ni, mira ade cakap kan si hana nak belanje kat dome as the celebration for her first salary. Haha, I know sharmeen will laugh at me, she said that I would be the last person to update about Dome, and it is proved. What to do Meen, sooo bz meh :p Ok, on that day, I finished my work at 5, luckily something happened at office so I had to go back quite late. I never felt happy to stay back in the office except for that day. You know, I had to wait for Hana to arrive home and it would such a waste of time to go back and drive again to meet them.
Met hana at her grandparent's house and this is the reason that inspired me to write a tribute to my grandparent's. Seeing her talking with her grandparent's, of course I missed them too, but Allah love them more. Luckily, on that day, Hana's grandma just came back after minor operation, both of them still remember me and I felt uncomfortable to change my name from Mira to Wan. Haha. When someone called me Wan, it indicates that they know me since primary school.
Ok, our dinner, holaaa best of the best. We managed to eat ALL meals; even the waiter kept smiling to see us eating. Hehe, of course a long the way, we would updated each of us, and Hana was our aimed. Since bunga-bunga cinta sakura hendak berputik, so mane tau jumaat tu mulut masin. Kuang kuang Kuang. I love it, some people may follow the protocol eating in the exclusive restaurant but for us, we still maintain our Malay value. Nak melantak jangan malu-malu. Hahah.
Saturday, 4 December 2004
Woke up early in the morning after received a call from Hana. Kuang kuang kuang, berkat Jumaat, Hana officially was taken by Acap, congratulation to both of them after 7 years waiting. In simpe words, hana deserved to have Acap and I do hope Acap will make my bestest friend happier than before. Just now, I chatted with Hana, and somehow she is very happy with her decision and couldn’t wait for her next vacation. Haha. Anyway, I am happy for you too.
That day, I had to attend my college annual dinner. It was quite a rush, since I had to attend my auntie's open house in Klang. Damn heavy traffic, took nearly two hours to Klang and I nearly canceled my planned to attend my college grand dinner. Luckily, my colleague was willing waited for me.
The grand dinner held in Dewan Merdeka, PWTC, sounds grand huh. Opss, I couldn't upload any of the pictures because my college name is everywhere. Note: I never revealed what is my college's name in this blog. Actually, I couldn't upload, because I didn't use the digital camera and furthermore I don’t have scanner.
Anyway, the dinner was a very simple dinner, a normal speech given by the CEO followed by the performance from each of the branch all over Malaysia. Actually, it was a competition among them, but I just couldn't understand why ALL of the students focusing just on dance. Anyway, that's not the story, the best part was, students fighting sampai ade yang baju terkoyak. Luckily, they fought behind the stage and security didn't realize.
Then, we (colleagues and me) decided to have a supper at Ampang Jaya, and while we was there, we met Sofia Jane and her husband. This is the first time in my life, I was interested to attract celebs attention and she was so humble. Note: Melawati has many celebs, even this evening, there was a shooting in front of my house, Hehe, bukan berlagak, but that's the fact.
Sunday 5 December 2004
Received a call from Hanis, it has been a long long long time we didn't contact each other, not even through ym. So, for 3 hours we shared our story, and thanks Hanis for being a good listener. From love, we moved to work, study, ambition and future life. And not to forget, gossiping, hahaha. Sorry hana, I revealed your top story to her. Ok, part 2, I shall continue tomorrow. Nak tengok the Apprentice.
The longest silence from the blogging world so far, really want to update but I just didn't have the chance of doing so although blogging is part of my hobbies. Actually, I updated one post last Friday, a tribute to my arwah tok wan and pah. I remembered tears running down on my cheek when I was typing all the memories with them. But unfortunately, suddenly I coincidently exit the page and the long long post just gone. Just like that. It is kind of weird, whereby I didn't get mad or disappointed and I even more satisfied with what I did. May be next time.
Friday, 3 December 2004
Seperti yang disedia maklum, sebelum posting ni, mira ade cakap kan si hana nak belanje kat dome as the celebration for her first salary. Haha, I know sharmeen will laugh at me, she said that I would be the last person to update about Dome, and it is proved. What to do Meen, sooo bz meh :p Ok, on that day, I finished my work at 5, luckily something happened at office so I had to go back quite late. I never felt happy to stay back in the office except for that day. You know, I had to wait for Hana to arrive home and it would such a waste of time to go back and drive again to meet them.
Met hana at her grandparent's house and this is the reason that inspired me to write a tribute to my grandparent's. Seeing her talking with her grandparent's, of course I missed them too, but Allah love them more. Luckily, on that day, Hana's grandma just came back after minor operation, both of them still remember me and I felt uncomfortable to change my name from Mira to Wan. Haha. When someone called me Wan, it indicates that they know me since primary school.
Ok, our dinner, holaaa best of the best. We managed to eat ALL meals; even the waiter kept smiling to see us eating. Hehe, of course a long the way, we would updated each of us, and Hana was our aimed. Since bunga-bunga cinta sakura hendak berputik, so mane tau jumaat tu mulut masin. Kuang kuang Kuang. I love it, some people may follow the protocol eating in the exclusive restaurant but for us, we still maintain our Malay value. Nak melantak jangan malu-malu. Hahah.
Saturday, 4 December 2004
Woke up early in the morning after received a call from Hana. Kuang kuang kuang, berkat Jumaat, Hana officially was taken by Acap, congratulation to both of them after 7 years waiting. In simpe words, hana deserved to have Acap and I do hope Acap will make my bestest friend happier than before. Just now, I chatted with Hana, and somehow she is very happy with her decision and couldn’t wait for her next vacation. Haha. Anyway, I am happy for you too.
That day, I had to attend my college annual dinner. It was quite a rush, since I had to attend my auntie's open house in Klang. Damn heavy traffic, took nearly two hours to Klang and I nearly canceled my planned to attend my college grand dinner. Luckily, my colleague was willing waited for me.
The grand dinner held in Dewan Merdeka, PWTC, sounds grand huh. Opss, I couldn't upload any of the pictures because my college name is everywhere. Note: I never revealed what is my college's name in this blog. Actually, I couldn't upload, because I didn't use the digital camera and furthermore I don’t have scanner.
Anyway, the dinner was a very simple dinner, a normal speech given by the CEO followed by the performance from each of the branch all over Malaysia. Actually, it was a competition among them, but I just couldn't understand why ALL of the students focusing just on dance. Anyway, that's not the story, the best part was, students fighting sampai ade yang baju terkoyak. Luckily, they fought behind the stage and security didn't realize.
Then, we (colleagues and me) decided to have a supper at Ampang Jaya, and while we was there, we met Sofia Jane and her husband. This is the first time in my life, I was interested to attract celebs attention and she was so humble. Note: Melawati has many celebs, even this evening, there was a shooting in front of my house, Hehe, bukan berlagak, but that's the fact.
Sunday 5 December 2004
Received a call from Hanis, it has been a long long long time we didn't contact each other, not even through ym. So, for 3 hours we shared our story, and thanks Hanis for being a good listener. From love, we moved to work, study, ambition and future life. And not to forget, gossiping, hahaha. Sorry hana, I revealed your top story to her. Ok, part 2, I shall continue tomorrow. Nak tengok the Apprentice.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Hari tu, hari ni, esok
Well, well like Sharmeen said, "Mira u always be the last person updating the blog", which i do agreed. Since im working and at the momment, the external modem is not that function (rase2 sebab short circuit), no chance to sit around to glue my eyes in front of the computer. IF only and i wish, they equip me a computer with the internet connection, im sure i will really be a knowledgable staff. haha.
Theres more good news happening for the past week. Starting from the DOME. As promised, hana, sharmeen and I went to the DOME. Definitely, eating session was awesome. even the waiter quite surprised to see us eating like there is no tomorrow. During that time, surely we would update each other and hana was our aimed. Tak sangka dok usik die ngan mat Jepun tu, masin pulak, agaknye malam Jumaat kot.
But one thing, before we went to klcc, i visited her grandma and grandpa at ampang jaya. Dah lame tak jumpe, her grandma had just undergo an operation and luckily when i came, her opah baru balik. Looking at both of them, i really missed my arwah tokwan, pah gerik and pah taiping. Arwah shidee (my father's dad); i didnt had a chance to know arwah better. ok, back to the story, i missed arwah tokwan for his kindness. I had never seen arwah tokwan marah-marah. Even until the end of his life, he was still driving, hantar pergi sekolah, mengaji. The day before Hari Raya, he would in charge of kebersihan and arrangement.
Arwah pah taiping, i missed her laksa, that was the last meal she cooked for us. After that she paralyzed. Last time, she always brought me to her school. I would sit on the chair staring at her teaching while her students couldnt keep an eye on me. hahah, ape nak buat comel :p. Last time, everytime there was a school holidays, i would spent my holidays with both of them rather than following my parents.
They would never missed to drive us (me and saffuan) to Penang. Sebab naik ferry and everytime i see that ferry, my mind will automatically refreshing the memories with them.
Letak je kerete dalam ferry, saff n mira memang tak sabar-sabar nak turun nak duduk dekat ferry sebab nak tengok air. Kalau dulu sebab pendek lagi tak sampai nak tengok air, tokwan akan dukung so that we can see the crystal clear water. So, kire filem titanic punye scene tu derang tiru laa :D. Lepas tu pulak, saffuan jenis yang tak boleh duduk diam, suke naik atas feri sebab nak tengok ape ade dekat atas and tokwan akan ikut je cakap cucu die.
Hmm, i missed them. Duit kiterang tak pernah putus, pah and tokwan mesti bagi duit kat cucu-cucu die. Back to kampung in Taiping, tokwan and pah brought us to their dusun in Batu Kurau. Tokwan memang tak bagi cucu die turun sangat dekat dusun, so setiap kali datang, kiterang setakat duduk dalam dangau je. Musim buah, memang kiterang tak pernah miss. Sekarang, dusun tu terbiar..
At least, i have something to show to them, tokwan sempat tengok result UPSR mira and pah sempat tengok mira masuk U. Alhamdulillah, thats make them smile.
p/s.. Ade orang panggil i, kalau tak lagi panjang nak cerite...
Semoga mereka berbahagia di alam sana. Alfatihah to arwah Abu Hassan Bin Mat Saman, arwah Hasnah Bt Abd Hamid, arwah Wan Ahmad bin Wan Mahiran and arwah Wan Aisyah Bt Wan Din
Well, well like Sharmeen said, "Mira u always be the last person updating the blog", which i do agreed. Since im working and at the momment, the external modem is not that function (rase2 sebab short circuit), no chance to sit around to glue my eyes in front of the computer. IF only and i wish, they equip me a computer with the internet connection, im sure i will really be a knowledgable staff. haha.
Theres more good news happening for the past week. Starting from the DOME. As promised, hana, sharmeen and I went to the DOME. Definitely, eating session was awesome. even the waiter quite surprised to see us eating like there is no tomorrow. During that time, surely we would update each other and hana was our aimed. Tak sangka dok usik die ngan mat Jepun tu, masin pulak, agaknye malam Jumaat kot.
But one thing, before we went to klcc, i visited her grandma and grandpa at ampang jaya. Dah lame tak jumpe, her grandma had just undergo an operation and luckily when i came, her opah baru balik. Looking at both of them, i really missed my arwah tokwan, pah gerik and pah taiping. Arwah shidee (my father's dad); i didnt had a chance to know arwah better. ok, back to the story, i missed arwah tokwan for his kindness. I had never seen arwah tokwan marah-marah. Even until the end of his life, he was still driving, hantar pergi sekolah, mengaji. The day before Hari Raya, he would in charge of kebersihan and arrangement.
Arwah pah taiping, i missed her laksa, that was the last meal she cooked for us. After that she paralyzed. Last time, she always brought me to her school. I would sit on the chair staring at her teaching while her students couldnt keep an eye on me. hahah, ape nak buat comel :p. Last time, everytime there was a school holidays, i would spent my holidays with both of them rather than following my parents.
They would never missed to drive us (me and saffuan) to Penang. Sebab naik ferry and everytime i see that ferry, my mind will automatically refreshing the memories with them.
Letak je kerete dalam ferry, saff n mira memang tak sabar-sabar nak turun nak duduk dekat ferry sebab nak tengok air. Kalau dulu sebab pendek lagi tak sampai nak tengok air, tokwan akan dukung so that we can see the crystal clear water. So, kire filem titanic punye scene tu derang tiru laa :D. Lepas tu pulak, saffuan jenis yang tak boleh duduk diam, suke naik atas feri sebab nak tengok ape ade dekat atas and tokwan akan ikut je cakap cucu die.
Hmm, i missed them. Duit kiterang tak pernah putus, pah and tokwan mesti bagi duit kat cucu-cucu die. Back to kampung in Taiping, tokwan and pah brought us to their dusun in Batu Kurau. Tokwan memang tak bagi cucu die turun sangat dekat dusun, so setiap kali datang, kiterang setakat duduk dalam dangau je. Musim buah, memang kiterang tak pernah miss. Sekarang, dusun tu terbiar..
At least, i have something to show to them, tokwan sempat tengok result UPSR mira and pah sempat tengok mira masuk U. Alhamdulillah, thats make them smile.
p/s.. Ade orang panggil i, kalau tak lagi panjang nak cerite...
Semoga mereka berbahagia di alam sana. Alfatihah to arwah Abu Hassan Bin Mat Saman, arwah Hasnah Bt Abd Hamid, arwah Wan Ahmad bin Wan Mahiran and arwah Wan Aisyah Bt Wan Din
Friday, December 03, 2004
Opps opss, finally my dream to eat at this exclusive restaurant may comes true. Someone will spend some of HER first salary for me and Sharmeen. Who else, Hana. Harap-harap jadi. But despite that, some other thing that really make me feel guilty, i cancelled the plan with my old friend. Hmm..
Came to work with thousands of questions messing around in my head. My colleague needs to get the exam question paper from HQ in PJ by today because starting this Monday, final examination is held.
I really want to have one-to-one and heart-to-heart discussion with the Human Resaource General Manager to discuss some increment in my salary. You know, i do think i received the lowest paid ever for a full time lecturer. I just couldnt understand the situation, when the first time i joined this college, they gave me the reason that i was still new and only has a degree qualification. I accepted the offer since i felt that education is closed to my heart. But later on, i found out that, different staff had different salary although having the same qualification. There is a BIG different of salary between mine and other staff with the same qualification.
Ok, i should thankful at least i got the job, but as you know, salary plays an important role in determining our satisfaction, loyalty and commitment. Furthermore, not only my teaching workload exceed 20 hours per week (except for december), i also had to do the head of department (we called it LIC) which is tedious and A LOT since there is no LIC for my school. Even my colleague also called me as acting LIC.
But today, as i walked into the office, i cancelled the plan to meet with the GM due to several reasons. I hate to explain to my boss about my purpose of going to PJ, and the second reason, i do have in mind that i want to resign maybe sooner or later. Right now, i just waiting for the offer, dunno whether can get it or not. To this, i need to meet the GM again because it against my contract. I dont want to create that impression over and over again like i did before i signed the contract.
So now, im alone in the office, two of them already went to PJ, others are having a class and the rest were on leave. Luckily, there is one student from Sudan, cooked her traditional nasi beriyani and its sooo delicious!!! hehe, tu laa berkat orang tak ramai, dapat makan free :p
Opps opss, finally my dream to eat at this exclusive restaurant may comes true. Someone will spend some of HER first salary for me and Sharmeen. Who else, Hana. Harap-harap jadi. But despite that, some other thing that really make me feel guilty, i cancelled the plan with my old friend. Hmm..
Came to work with thousands of questions messing around in my head. My colleague needs to get the exam question paper from HQ in PJ by today because starting this Monday, final examination is held.
I really want to have one-to-one and heart-to-heart discussion with the Human Resaource General Manager to discuss some increment in my salary. You know, i do think i received the lowest paid ever for a full time lecturer. I just couldnt understand the situation, when the first time i joined this college, they gave me the reason that i was still new and only has a degree qualification. I accepted the offer since i felt that education is closed to my heart. But later on, i found out that, different staff had different salary although having the same qualification. There is a BIG different of salary between mine and other staff with the same qualification.
Ok, i should thankful at least i got the job, but as you know, salary plays an important role in determining our satisfaction, loyalty and commitment. Furthermore, not only my teaching workload exceed 20 hours per week (except for december), i also had to do the head of department (we called it LIC) which is tedious and A LOT since there is no LIC for my school. Even my colleague also called me as acting LIC.
But today, as i walked into the office, i cancelled the plan to meet with the GM due to several reasons. I hate to explain to my boss about my purpose of going to PJ, and the second reason, i do have in mind that i want to resign maybe sooner or later. Right now, i just waiting for the offer, dunno whether can get it or not. To this, i need to meet the GM again because it against my contract. I dont want to create that impression over and over again like i did before i signed the contract.
So now, im alone in the office, two of them already went to PJ, others are having a class and the rest were on leave. Luckily, there is one student from Sudan, cooked her traditional nasi beriyani and its sooo delicious!!! hehe, tu laa berkat orang tak ramai, dapat makan free :p
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
A reply message to
emmachan: Nevermind emmachan, nanti tahun depan leh raye kat malaysia, just dun forget to meet me, really wants to know u better :D
sharmeen: lendu erk, sedap laa, kat kl mane nak beli erk? aku dah abis buat ielts, just waiting for the result, but i dint do that well :(
nad: hehe, tak pe, tahun depan ade lagi, mase nak kenekan ko :D kene tunggu tarikh yang best je..
It shows that i was quite bz with my activities lately, cant even has a time to reply messages at my tagboard. Actually, its quite difficult for me to online these few days, just online to check my email. Mama is busy doing her homework, so cannot borrow her laptop, saffuan has used the external modem, i dont like to use his pc and im too lazy to plug out because not even a few hours, the modem will be back to his place.
A lot of "tragic" stories happened in my office these few days which may be interesting story in my human resource class. You know, when you teach, the students can understand better if we relate to the real working environment. But of course, i dint mention any names or any organization, i frequently used company A, company B, Mr A or Mr B.
Guess what, i just realized that i never give any gifts to my Dearie this year (excluding cards).. hehe sooo teruk!! On the other hands, i think i received at least one gift per month from Dearie, tu tak masuk elaun lagi :p but i dont receive duit raya yet :p -> specially highlight to Dearie. Opss, opss, opss, opss.. Ok, our annual dinner is getting nearer, any suggestion what is the best present for him? need ur suggestion.. Thanks!!!
p/s Meen, what's up dear?
A reply message to
emmachan: Nevermind emmachan, nanti tahun depan leh raye kat malaysia, just dun forget to meet me, really wants to know u better :D
sharmeen: lendu erk, sedap laa, kat kl mane nak beli erk? aku dah abis buat ielts, just waiting for the result, but i dint do that well :(
nad: hehe, tak pe, tahun depan ade lagi, mase nak kenekan ko :D kene tunggu tarikh yang best je..
It shows that i was quite bz with my activities lately, cant even has a time to reply messages at my tagboard. Actually, its quite difficult for me to online these few days, just online to check my email. Mama is busy doing her homework, so cannot borrow her laptop, saffuan has used the external modem, i dont like to use his pc and im too lazy to plug out because not even a few hours, the modem will be back to his place.
A lot of "tragic" stories happened in my office these few days which may be interesting story in my human resource class. You know, when you teach, the students can understand better if we relate to the real working environment. But of course, i dint mention any names or any organization, i frequently used company A, company B, Mr A or Mr B.
Guess what, i just realized that i never give any gifts to my Dearie this year (excluding cards).. hehe sooo teruk!! On the other hands, i think i received at least one gift per month from Dearie, tu tak masuk elaun lagi :p but i dont receive duit raya yet :p -> specially highlight to Dearie. Opss, opss, opss, opss.. Ok, our annual dinner is getting nearer, any suggestion what is the best present for him? need ur suggestion.. Thanks!!!
p/s Meen, what's up dear?
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