Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Be kind - my customers

Everybody knows that my work life is somehow miserable. Luck is always not on my side when it comes to career, but to compare with others, I am grateful that i can still secure a job especially during this difficult times. 

Well, after being job hopping from one to another, honestly, i have identified what is my passion and how i can strive the challenges... that's it -- working with people. But deep in my heart, i certainly do love doing my online business.. 

Once again, though i hated my worklife being a consultant, but after a while, i realized that hey, it taught me a lot especially when dealing with the customers. you know especially when the terms "customer is always right" hits you :) 

well, as a disclaimer, i am nowhere a successful business person, not even close having a solid 5 figure income earning from the business, but sometimes sharing is caring. my serious online business started in 2014.. as a record, i started doing online business in the year 2008, That time, online business was something new and my focus was selling maternity wear. In fact, i have been invited for an interview by NST to promote my business but since I no longer have desire to continue, i rejected a lifetime opportunity. Of cos, i wonder, should i continue my business, i may become a pioneer in the industry along side with Vivy. :p Gosh! I do really admire this lady until husband told me "vivy again??"

Well, nothing to regret...

So after doing this and that, in 2014, i then focused on online business again. Still in the circle of maternity, that is -- i started my small business by selling confinement products online. Of cos the market is already there.. that i could not deny. 

I started small, dealing with few stockist and all, until i become more independent. 

During the process, i have learnt A LOT!! On how to deal with clients and how to treat your clients. Sadly, i realized that one of the reason why my same race is left far behind in the business mainly due to how they are treating the customers. Nak tak nak, customer always think that they are the only client and they deserved to receive the best service. 

And so am I.. 

While dealing with few stockist, I realized that many have ethics issue. Keeping mum with our purchased (sometimes nearly to 1 month ++) on the basis that the HQ did not have stock. I really thought the HQ is the main source of the problem, when one day I managed to deal with another stockist. Alhamdulillah, since then, i have no worry in losing my customers.

and dont get me start when the magic word like "terima kasih" and "sorry" is such a difficult word to say. why aa?

Well, such a valuable experience for me. 

Enough on my rant.. :p

For me, I believe in creating a good rapport with my customers and to date- honesty is my policy. Selling different brands I could not get away with the questions "which one is good" and to date, i do give the best answer and at the same time, i admit should the products i have never used / consume, i will avoid to give any comments. But, dalam keadaan berhati-hati, of cos i did some mistake. Still remember receiving one long e-mail from one of my customers arguing the terms used on my website. Ok, i found out she is a lawyer (;p) . anyway it is a good lesson for me, i take it positively and improved further.

Talking about my customers, Alhamdulillah , i could say 95% are lovely. What i appreciate most is their understanding especially (1) the seller shouldn't be blame when the parcel arrived late when the seller diligently sent out your parcel the next working day (2) messed up with the orders (-- ok happen to me few times, like you know A sent to B, B sent to A :)) (3) forgot to post (ok happend few times also)

The weirdest thing happen to my customer was she received a parcel which was full of ants.. yerp, you read it right, ants! i blame all to myself. dunno la why the ants chose that binder to make a nest, i seriously did not realize it.. The customer? Alhamdulillah, she was ok (tho' i know she was annoyed).

Some of my customers are now become my good friend. Sara (haih, i should take a picture with her) was one of my earliest customers. That time, she was heavily pregnant with no. 2 and ordered Tanamera post natal care. Every now and then i practise giving some token of appreciation randomly to my customers.  I dun know, maybe just a small touch from my side, she continued ordering with me and become one of my co-reseller. At the same time, you know im now a big fan of her Masak Lemak Ikan Baung.. (sedap giler oii). Her family just recently opened a restaurant in Segamat specializing in Ikan Baung..

Below, is Fatema, my customer from UAE. She is my first international customers. That time, I was just 2 weeks running on my business. Her first order was more than RM500. Happy giler oi, first time orang order macam tu.. and continued to order from me from time to time.

Recently, she visited Malaysia for a short holiday, and I took this opportunity to meet her. Glad that i still make my time tho my workload doesnt permit me to do so, but who cares right :). We chit chatted for almost 1.5 hours like you know, meeting a long lost friend.. Hope i can meet her again --- well maybe in Abu Dhabi? :) #inmydream

Next, I received an order from a customer of mine Amelia in Malacca. Since I balik kampung, i agreed to deliver the items directly to her without any delivery charge. Not that i know, she is the owner of the famous Nasi Beriyani Tamby in Melaka which is located in Padang Temu Melaka.

Subhanallah, we got to eat there for free..

So now, everytime i balik kampung, I will definitely visit here to satisfy my cravings..

There are many more stories to share. Many of my customers refused to accept the balance. Since it is not my money and though they asked me to give to my son, usually i will put the money aside and contribute to the needy. 

Selagi itu rezeki kita, maka itulah rezeki kita...


  1. Seronok baca entry ni. Yup, betul, customer/client ni mcm2 ragam. Ada yg sgt nice dan ada juga yg kdg2 menguji kesabaran. Lebih susah bila client yang tak berapa faham ttg keseluruhan prosedure, tapi cepat melenting. Lepas explain, semua ok la.

    Sll pujuk hati dan ckp, tiap org ada byk perkara mereka lalui tiap hari. Mgkn byk sgt stress/sedih buat sesetengah tu mcm cepat nk melatah (sblm kami explain).

    Tp semua ni ajar kita tentang sabar. Lagi satu, kdg2 mmg cara kita/staff bercakap pun xkena. Jadi byk la bersabar. Apapun, client wajar dilayan dgn baik sll tak kira siapa betul siapa silap sbb kami sudah dibayar segala servis sekali dgn segala pakej "customer is always right" :)

    Sgt ramai jgk client yg jadi kawan dan salah sorg tu bkn je jd kawan baik sy malah sgt close dgn fmly sy. Dan dialah business partner baru sy dan dia bukan melayu :)

    Good luck all mira. Sy sgt kagum dgn org yg mampu fokus dua kerjaya dlm satu masa. Clap clap clap.

    1. Mira ni business setakat untung rm10 rm20 kekadang rm2 rm3 je ade juga yang cerewet, apatah lagi macam aimi yang offer service. Can imagine. Sebab dulu masa dekat audit firm kite serve client, dapat yang demand ... Boleh nangis kadang tu. Aimi lagi lah business owner..

      Apa pun yeah try cari kebaikan orang. Tapi bila hati dah terasa kita pun manusia.. Moga kita semua sentiasa dapat customers yang understanding


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