Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Menangani masalah anak kurang bercakap

This posting is not related to any advertisers neither related to blogging job. Just my personal view in handling my "so-call" quiet son. 

Anak saya Emir, sekarang dah 8 tahun. Alhamdulillah Emir membesar sebagai seorang yang sihat, cukup rupa parasnya dan fizikalnya dan juga bijak. Ok fine, sounds so proud, but i wanna say, he is smarter than his mom definitely. 

Cuma, bila Emir makin membesar, I realized that Emir semakin senyap.  Emir ni dia punya karektor, he will not voluntarily speak to you, baik di rumah mahupun di sekolah. Cuma dekat rumah, i sebagai mak dia, selalu lah i cakap dengan dia. 

Tapi di sekolah, i selalu sangat terima feedback yang Emir suka menyendiri, suka buat keje sendiri. Bile i datang sekolah, i can see him suka duduk sorang-sorang, honestly he actually has no good friend per say. 

Yes, i a little bit worried. Mane taknye sebagai emak, saya ni tidak lah peramah, tapi i tak reti nak buat bende sorang-sorang. During my childhood days, I ada kawan yang mak i boleh cam, this is "kawan mira", "bestfriend mira", and Emir has nothing in particular.

Kesian jugak Emir, ye lah, mane taknyer. Mungkin salah satu sebabnya memang Emir sendiri banyak keseorangan. Being the only child in the family, the only grandchild for quite sometime mungkin banyak mempengaruhi dia..

I pakai word kesian? 

Slap me. 

Lama-lama i fikir, that is him. There is something you cant change. 

I pernah duduk dengan Emir. Face to face, heart to heart conversation with him. I did asked him whether he has any personal issue with his friends and why he likes to be alone. 

The answer is simple.

"i dont have any problem". Which is true. 

He is happy on what he is right now. 

He is happy to go to school. Kalau dia rasa nak berkawan, dia akan bercampur dengan orang-orang tertentu.

He is happy to go to the nursery. Yerp, walaupun Emir ni tak delah 100% keseorang sebab dia pergi nursery, tapi still nursery bukan lah as-sebab untuk shape anak jadi pandai mix dengan orang. Kalau dah sifatnyer pendiam.. pendiam lah..

He is happy at home or any other places that i brought him.

in other words, yes, he has no problem for that. 

dan bukannyer dia tak de kawan.. Ada.. Selalu kawan yang boleh masuk dengan dia adalah kawan yang suke main game.

Why i wrote this? Yesterday, I attended report card day and met his teacher and one of the comment received was the same comment i received over the years - "suka sorang-sorang". 

But again, teacher agreed, kalau kita ajak dia bercakap, he will speak, tak de malu-malu. Tapi dia bukan jenis yang akan volunteer ke depan atau sewaktu dengannya. So, why should i worry?

Bile i tengok balik, kawan i banyak juga yang pendiam, Alhamdulillah setakat ni semuanya berjaya dalam pekerjaan masing-masing. 

Cuma mungkin orang yang pendiam, kita akan nampak self confidencenyer kurang. Ye lah, orang yang suke ke depan, they love to be in the crowd, join here n there, debate etc.. but orang yang pendiam, they just like to observe, tapi bile kite panggil dia bercakap, usually orang yang pendiam lah orang akan kagumi.

Jadi sebagai mak, i rase i kene develop kan dia part ini, biarlah dia suke menyendiri.. but when the time he has to present or something like that, he will give his best.

So, its ok.. Emir is already perfect for me.

Harap bile Emir bace post ni satu hari nanti, Emir boleh buktikan orang yang pendiam juga sangat boleh berjaya dalam kehidupan. Diam-diam ubi berisi.. By the way, you already make us proud.. so much.. 


  1. No worries, dear. Emir ni normal jer. I used to be a teacher at one of private pre-schools. Mmg ada kids mcm emir ni :) They're less talk but they're very excellent in doing their work in class.

    Anyways, every child is special in their own way :)

  2. Anak saya nak kata pendiam takdelah tapi dia suka buat hal sendiri. Kalau jemput balik sekolah tengok orang lain jalan dengan kawan-kawan tapi dia rileks je jalan sorang-sorang.

  3. ReeneRaaid: Thank you so much, lege i dengar. Yerp agree with you, kid is special in their own way.. so long the parents know what they are doing kan..

    Zuraida Rahim: Betul, dah memang anak kite sifatnya macam tu. Untuk mereka normal aje.. :)

  4. I pun pendiam mira masa zaman uni dulu. people change. U tgk i sekarang macamana? Hehehe....i rasa persekitaran u akan membentuk u. :)


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