Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Emir's concert -- Part 4 -- Keyboard time -- what the teacher said...

Dear Emir

This was your last performance before i call it a wrap.. but I have not uploaded any pictures of you when you danced a Hindi song..

For your last performance, you have to perform with a keyboard, no wonder sometimes you always sang

"mi mi fa fa do mi...."

where actually you were practicing your note :)

Teacher Chloe is your music teacher and right after the concert, she approached me and said

"Im not sure whether I stressed up the children, because some of them have difficulties to catch up, you know kids when they couldn't understand, they got very frustrated, and Emir, at the beginning, he always mumbled, it takes time for him to catch up, unlike some of the kids.. but he is so different...

he never gave up, when other children started to play or went for a break, he came to me and said

i'm not ready teacher, i need to practise... (masa dengar ni i macam nak nangis ok)

so when other children have 15 minutes session, Emir requested to have 30 minutes.. sometimes when i asked him to eat first, he said

nevermind... I can eat later..

I even told his class teacher, how fantastic boy he is, he never gave up, i never see a child who have so much courage to learn, and you know, when he knows how to look at the note, i wanted to cry because it comes from his effort, and I witness how hard he is trying to come up to this level...

he is so ready for piano class.. you dont have to worry..

This is what his teacher said....

dan ibu sebak...

p/s for my own record untuk Emir... 


  1. me baca rasa sweet pulak entry ni :-)

  2. ahemm mira.. sebak baca ni..
    emir is a very determined son. showed how good ur parenting is tau.

  3. ayu baca pun rasa sebak and tumpang bangga..good boy la Emir nie...of coz kita as a Mummy rasa sgt bangga bila teacher cerita mcm nie kan...


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