Wednesday, September 28, 2011

After I left this company..

which I have rendered my services for 5 years++, of course within this long period I have built a good relationship with the people around me especially my peers. Forget about the politics, unfair - we laughed, we cried and we were crazy bunch tax people who work for a better living.

Seriously, I missed those days where

--- we stay up late at night.. ok ok , not that work-a-holic part, i mean i miss the gossiping and chatting session that keeps me awake after more than 12 hours in the office
--- i miss a text from any of my colleague like "are you coming to the office this sunday, what time"
--- errr can i say i  miss Restoren Ali Maju wakakakak.. tell you, most of my lunches adalah di sana ok, very the unhealthy one.. that didn't count dinner time or tea time okayy :D
--- i miss my colleagues, especially my peers.. yang same-same naik dari bawah, sampai lah ke atas.. you know let say each time I was demotivated, I could just turn into any one of them.. seriously, ANYONE of them (i mean my peers laa, bukan boss2 la :p) chinese or malay.. we were very closed to each other.. :(

and the one that i missed most, definitely


when it comes to warehouse sale, where possible, we would be the first person to hit the door hehehe.. grab the stuffs and of course pergi balik lagi dan lagi... especially that Dior warehouse sale ... 

and you know, kiterang sanggup ambik cuti semua ok.... or err errr... curik curik hehehehe..

Above picture, they are all my colleagues (only part of it), most of us have now left the Company, so we rarely meet each other. Ini pun jumpe after more than a year tak jumpe.. kalau jumpe pun kejap2.. but of course, thanks to Gtalk and Facebook, we still update one another..

p/s tempat I cari rezeki untuk 5 tahun... banyak kenangan pahit manis.. 


  1. me keje kat UOB 3 thn setengah, byk gak memori...namun lama2 mcm dh semakin forgotten...

  2. tempat jatuh lagikan dikenang..inikan pulak tempat mencari sesuap nasi.. :)

  3. me sangat teringatkan Kontena Nasional....esp masa kat situ i sangat rapat jugak dengan staff2....esp time 'nakal time' with Jona warehouse sale chocolate sama...sume sama2 sampai boss me panggil me and jona belangkas....

  4. dah habis study kat tempat sama..camana?? kiki

  5. Walaupun jarang still rasa mcm jumpa selalu thru gtalk, email, fb..boleh gak share2 apa yg patut..heheheh

  6. tmpt jatuh lagikan dikenang mira =)..all d best 4 u dear

  7. psttt lain kali kalu ko nk p w/hse ajak la aku =p


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