Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Question: Wanna go?

As to date, mira ade terima beberape soalan especially on Nutrilite (the supplement)... Antara soalan yang I terima...

1. Macam mane nak turunkan darah?
2. Macam mane nak naikkan darah?
3. Macam mane nak bagi banyak tenaga?
4. Supplement ape untuk orang mengandung yang sesuai?
5. Supplement ape untuk banyakkan susu..
6. Ade supplement tak untuk anak berusia sekian sekian
7. Ada tak daily vitamin?

I bukan suke-suke bagi advise ok.. of course i rujuk sane sini.. bab-bab macam ni mane boleh hentam koromo kan.. :)


yang kelakarnyer.. ade jugak orang yang tanye i..

Mira, ade tak ape-ape untuk turunkan berat badan..!!

Waa.. salah orang ni :p... walaupun ade dalam Amway ni... of course la i jawab ade.. but at the end of conversation, mind you i will honestly tell my prospect mira tak pernah try.. tak nak aku tipu orang kan heheeh.. 

 and another thing yang I tak pernah advise

is Artistry... - our make up range..

Yes, i mengaku i bukan beauty expert.. (yer, mira berpijak di bumi yang nyata :D).. Walaupun Artistry is the top 5 best selling in the world.. i tak berani lagi nak suke-suke.. unless kalau orang tanye ade tak this and this, then i pun recommendlaa what we have...


if you are interested to have some direct consultation from the experts in these TWO fields - Nutrilite and Artistry... JOM join us this 7th May at our HQ in PJ.. Buzz me kalau interested ok.. 

Feel free to click for a larger view..

One of the speaker above is Dr. Aziz. He is a medical doctor by profession specialized in brain, aiyoo i dunno laa term doctor bahagian otak2 ni ape .. :d neurologist? Anyway, we have quite a lot of successful doctors in Amway.. 

Kalau ade sape-sape yang interested, do buzz me, insyaAllah I will be there..



  1. part turunkan badan tuesoalan masih berusaha & belum berjaya haha

  2. mira, dulukan zt penah join 1 mlm ni,siap jd woksyop beautician lagi ;p,all d best 2 u mira


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