Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Nobody by Emir

Emir loves Nobody.. he will sing over and over again.. This video was taken by my sister, but unfortunately she only managed to capture only Nobody parts.. but anyway, did you notice Emir wipes his mouth on his shirt.. just wanna let you know, actually this is his habit... kadang-kadang tak de bende pun, tapi suke benor lap baju pakai mulut.. and mulut dia macam tu (susah nak explain)

Click above picture to watch the video ya..



  1. ala mira..tak dapat tgk la..
    fb temporary deactivate atas sbb tertentu.tak pe2..nti one day nak gak tgk emir..hehe

  2. tak de bende pun, banyak cakap nobody jer..


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