Monday, March 08, 2010

Fraser Hill - the weekend gateaway (Jelai Highlands Resort)

On early Saturday morning, Mr. Husband suggested if we could go to Penang on that day itself instead of this coming Thursday as planned. Being me, I hate the unplanned vacation especially when it involves a long journey. Hubby suggested if it was ok to go to Fraser Hill (FYI, he insisted to go there for few times) and I agreed as the journey would only take about 2 hours.

So, I packed the bag and Mr Husband was kind enough to do some house chores and he asked me to call my siblings if they would love to join us. Only Ainaa and Che Yah agreed. Hubby did informed that we would, stay at Jelai Highlands Resort together with his family friends. Oh kawannya pun ad hoc vacation jugak.

It was already 3 pm when we left our condo and we had to fetch my two sisters from two different locations. Mr Husband bawak kete sangatlah laju so we could arrive there around 5pm + which we did. Actually this was my first time to Fraser Hill :). FYI, traffic up and down is controlled by a system, to go uphill, you can only drive during odd hours and vice versa. But after 7pm, we understand that there is no restriction which I might think it is quite dangerous given the road is too narrow and winding.


The reason why Mr. Husband wanted to stay here is because this resort is recommended for bird watching. FYI, Mr. Husband is currently on his craziness for birds err after learning Mandarin language, I guess :). We managed to get a family room for RM135 (after Government rate) which I think is quite reasonable.

This resort is located 5 minutes from the town and it is very quite as it is very near to the jungle, and of course we could hear the birds chirping everywhere. However, I might say that this resort is not properly maintain. The metal railings on the balcony is quite rusty, shower curtain is very dirty, and the water hitter is not working. The room generally is cleaned. So, it is up for you to decide. For me, Ok jer.. since we had another family joining us and my noisier sisters as well, so mane-mane pun best. Anyway, I am not that fussy either.

Emir biaselah, everything sampai mana-mana tido dulu. Oh speaking about the TV, only TV1 and TV3 are clear. At least we could catch up with Cerekarama - Sharifah Amani and Fahrin (dunno the title) :)

 View from the balcony


 Our room

The breakfast

BUT the plus point here is the headcount for having breakfast does not matter and it is based on first come first serve basis. They only served Nasi Lemak, Kuew Tiow and bread with butter and jam, Ok lah kan. So for those who had big family, you can save on your breakfast meals ya.



Just have a look at Mr. Husband's colleactions. You may wish to view his flickr at

And I admit that if you are not under bird watcher category, then you have to be creative just like us..









A. First session, invited Mr. Husband's friend's children to watch Pocoyo and Alvin and The Chipmunks



B. Once finished, now the adults turn - Pisau Cukur


C. Bile semua orang dah nak tidur, Emir baru bangun tido, then he played his helicopter game with this big wide screen




I think the most famous stall here in Fraser Hill is...

Gambar-gambar dekat tempat lain (the tower clock, the bridge, the scenery) dekat kamera Mr. Husband, malas nak edit, file besooo sangat, plus RAW picture lagi.. Tu tunggu tengok rajin ke tidak... 

So, except for the birds, the pictures were taken from my phone camera..


We stopped at this waterfall near Ulu Yam




  1. aku nak sgt nak bkt fraser nih..
    tp aritu ayah aku ckp dr p sina baik p cameron..
    sbb die kate tmpt nie dh xbrape sejuk..
    btul ker?
    aku tgk berkabus jer...
    gambar2 bird watching tu cantik la..
    aku sker =p

  2. tak penah gi gak...

    cantik la gambar burung2 tu..
    leh print letak dlm frame
    nnt bgtau emran..nak mintak kat dia lah gambar view yg cantik2...hehe

    haritu beli kat ikea..rm15 sekping cinonet tu

  3. best gaknye.. nnt nak gi lah.. seronok nya...

  4. Yani: dengan perut kau yang dah boyot2 tu, idak payah ler nak naik bukit tinggi tinggi tu.. kang terberanak, hospital pun tak nampak :D naik cameron laa best sikit

    ana: emran kate ok, just cakap mane suke, nanti dia kasik softcopy tapi kene print sendiri hehehe

    syana: errr tak yah.. tak best pun unless kalau pergi ramai-ramai

  5. waahhh...fraser hill??aritu penah gak plan nak takot xde bende nak wat kat sane...huhu..bes gak kan??
    bes nyer mandi air sungaiiii

  6. tak payah pergi kalau tak pergi ramai-ramai.. heheh tapi kalau setakat sehari ok kot, setakat tak nak kene panas KL so sila lah naik

  7. Nice story and very good birds pictures.


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