Saturday, August 30, 2008

Tak tahu ape nak buat

My so call planned weekend has been canceled in a split second. Ape nak buat, ikut peraturan je lah - Ikut je ape orang kate.. hmmm.. cakap lebih-lebih nanti it becomes a BIG problem to me.. Anyway, boring-boring ni baik jawab tag from Mama Aiman..

1)5 tahun lepas buat apa
2003 - Syok bercinta kot. Anyway mase tu baru habis training 8 bulan kat P*Etronas...

2)5 perkara buat arini

Sekarang ni pagi lagi kan.. So baru..

1. kemas ape yang patut
2. Jawab telefon Pisah - sesat nak pi Vantage warehouse sale
3. Isi air
4. Makan
5. Ngadap internet

3)5 snacks yg suka


1. Boleh tak cereal tu as snacks :) Tu je .. tak berape pandai sangat bab2 snack2 ni

4)5 pekerjaan yang pernah buat

1. job paling mencabar dan paling best - a wife a mother, a daughter and an employee..
2. trainee dekat PETT..
3. Ni malu sikit.. Lecturer at that college
4. Tax consultant :)
5. To be continued later

Ok itu aje.. Have a nice weekend peeps and Selamat Hari Merdeka and Selamat Berpuasa..

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