Monday, June 09, 2008

On protocol wedding

Have you ever want to have your own private hours without any disturbance from your boys? Ok dont get me wrong, i know it sounds more like being selfish and far away from my motherhood lifesytle. But somehow, i cant escape to admit that I really need it so much. Well, in my case I just want to be left alone with my hubby. To do things that I certainly cant do if little Emir is around.

First, Encik husband, just to let u know that I dont blame anyone, this is my thought and my honest feeling.

Orait, how should I say.. my family knows that I have lot lot lot of friends but of cos once when you have changed your title from cik to puan, u will lost ur contacts. And I realize the only way u can catch up with them - kenduri kendara.

But, my husband is type of person who couldnt leave behind his son. Mane - mane pun kene bawak even to the protocol wedding. Yeah, i dont mind, but at one point having Emir yang sudah pandai mengade-ngade and drama king, it is quite difficult to handle. And ends up, we will spend much time with our son than people around us who we hardly meet.

I do suggested to my husband to let my mum taking care of Emir while we are away for 2 hours at least.. but as usual mr. husband would always disagree with the idea. And he would rather not to follow me if Emir is not around but on the other hand, I am not comfortable to go anywhere if Mr. Husband is not besides me.. And sometimes, it turns out that good day doesnt end with good memory :).. Takkanlah i nak berkeras tanak bawak anak sendiri kan.. macam even more selfish..

So, of cos the ideal way is not to attend any protocol wedding but I always want to be part of my friend's sweetest memory in their life. But yeah, family is more important than anything. It difficult but I think it is the best for us for the time being. :) Budak kecik mane boleh tahan 2 3 jam nunggu sampai majlis habis kan..

Maybe im bad in putting words together but sometimes I just missed my old days when we were sitting together, playing together and gossip-ing. and yes, kadang-kadang tu teringin jugak makan dengan tenang.. I rase tak salah for a mother and a wife to have her own precious time for a while, but i know some would say it selfish and tak patut seorang bini and mak cakap macam tu. I do know if any of u guys encounter this..

So in conclusion, you will hardly see me in any protocol wedding or attend any closed function (yes, saya sangat nak pergi Istana Budaya) unless someone inform me ade small playground in that area. So untuk dewan perdana felda terutamanya, silalah sediakan small playground untuk kami yang ade anak-anak kecik.. sekian terima kasih

p/s yeah, im bad

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