Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sehari di pasar malam

That news come when we are not ready to receive it (specifically to me). Life is short, use it wisely, shower your love to people around you and always pray for their happiness here & thereafter.

Full stop..

Anyway, something funny happened yesterday. We went to pasar malam to buy something for our dinner. Both hubby and I were going separate ways (sebab saya nak tengok BELLA!!) and little Emir was with his father. From far, I could see my prince was holding a plastic while his mouth was munching something.

I did asked my hubby and my hubby told me that was ala-ala chicken pop corn.. Ok fine. Im not sure how far Emir ate that food. Ok fine.

When we entered the car, ok ok ok this is the best part.. READ

Hubby: Yang, bagi Emir makan chicken pop corn tu dia lapa kot.

Lalu saya mengambil lah chicken pop corn itu yang terletak di seat belakang. Seperti biasa, apa-apa makanan yang Emir akan makan, i will eat first, takut2 la kan. Dan saya pun buatlah seperti yang biasa saya lakukan.

Secara spontannnya saya ter campak makanan itu..

Me: Abang bagi Emir makan ni.. Tahu tak ni apa

Hubby dengan muka yang tidak bersalah

Hubby: Entah

Me: Ni BONTOT AYAM laa...

Hubby: So, tak boleh bagi anak??

Me: Oii dia tanak makan, nak kasik anak.
Hubby: Tadi kite makan ok je.
Me: Yelah, tu makan sebab tak tau. So sekarang nak tak?
Hubby: Tanak . Uwek..
Me: Buang ok?
Hubby: Buang laa

Oh Lelaki ku.. Kesian anak aku tak pasal pasal dah makan bontot ayam.

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