My 9 months Part 6
Some stories
"When it came to the time to push, my contractions were so short we didn't make enough progress. The contractions were long enough to get me to push him forward, but not enough to prevent him from going back in. After several minutes of this, the doctor informed us that his heart rate was slowing down and asked us whether we wanted to use a vacuum to hold him in place so that he doesn't go back in each time I pushed. I quickly signed the consent form and we got back to work. After 2 or 3 pushes, Idris came out, much to my relief."
"Saya selamat bersalin pada 20 October 2005 kat KPMC Kajang. Baby boy 4 kg. Masa nak bersalin Alhamdulillah, baby keluar dgn senang. Saya pegi KPMC utk check-up, terus admitted coz dh terbukak 3cm. Masa tu dlm pukul 3 lebih. Bersalin pukul 5.02ptg. Belum sempat nk teran baby dh terkeluar. Tapi tahu je la berape byk yg terkoyak. Belum sempat Dr nak keluarkan darah2 lebih tu, ada org lain nk bersalin. So, ada la sorg nurse tu yg keluarkan ( lagi muda dr saya). Saya dgr jugak dia kata ada bleeding problem..tapi xde apa diorg buat.Masa tu badan mmg weak giler.."
"She really need to be 'cut' or dilapah2 perutnya for the sake of her baby. She called me around 10am, cried and sobbed telling me of her anxiety and nervousness to undergo the operation which I experienced it 6 months ago. So she seek for my advice and the best thing I could do was to comfort her by saying everything gonna be ok and its not as painful as what she think it is bla..bla..(it was a total lie, just the matter of nak sedapkan hati my sis, actually it was so darn painful till today mcm terbyg2 lg sakit perut kena hiris)"
"Sebenarnya kami tidak menjangka anak kedua kami terpaksa dilahirkan secara pembedahan. Semasa tiba masa nak bersalin dan bukaan dah 10cm, anak kami masih tidak mahu keluar walaupun sudah sepenuh tenaga isteriku meneran. Bayangkan sakit yang terpaksa ditanggung oleh isteriku. Tidak beberapa lama selepas itu bukaan telah mengecil menjadi 8cm dan doktor mengatakan anakku berada dalam keadaan menelentang dan sukar untuk untuk keluar. Memandangkan keadaan isteriku ketika itu telah terlalu lemah, doktor telah mengambil keputusan untuk melakukan pembedahan."
p/s To all mothers, we are amazing..
wordless wednesday #659
12 hours ago
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