Dah ade kat rumah ni makin susah pulak nak update, computer ade tapi nak bukak computer quite susah.. rimdu gak kat utp, kalau bosan-bosan boleh jugak blogging, although the network is terribly slow, at least I still can upload my work. Being unemployed for two weeks, actually its quite tiring, when people around you keep asking why I didt get any job yet especially im the PETRONAS scholar. Well, this are the answers, as some of us knows, IT department in PETRONAS has been outsourced to iPerintis, therefore, of course there is no vacancy in IT related in PETRONAS. Why I dint apply at iPerintis? Answer: Since I live in Kuala Lumpur, my first priority is I want to work in KL no matter what, therefore, iPerintis in KL dah penuh, furthermore they need master qualification. Im not interested at all nak pi keje kat kerteh, melaka or gurun PFK. Kalau boleh mira nak cari kerje yang tak de IT related, eheh kelakar kan amik IT tapi tanak keje IT, experienced working during 8 months industrial training, hmmm tak laratnyer nak ngadap computer dari 8-5 everyday. Ok, I admit, I tak boleh nak choosy sangat sebab sekarang ni memang ramai tak dapat keje, tapi kalau dah minat tu kurang sikit dalam bab2 ngadap computer ni susah jugak kan.
Dari dulu sampai sekarang, kalau mira buat career test, the results always shows that im more into human relations and definitely its true. I do admit I am more interested working with people rather than technology gadgets. Tapi tu laa, kalau dah rezeki dalam IT, mira tetap tak kan tolak :).
Wowo skarang ni demam EURO and setakat ni mira tak miss lagi tengok EURO heheh.. tengok ngan saffuan tiap malam, semalam my fave team KALAH. England kalah.. GEram betull!! Lagi berape minit je nak habis, Zidane dah menyedihkan hariku!! Hukhukhuk.. Stupid Gerald doing such big mistakes. Boleh pulak die pas kat belakang padahal sikit nyer ramai England player kat keliling die, lagi pun mase tu kire bola tu tak de pressure pun. Tapi tak pe laa actually it was a good game, England pun still ade harapan lagi.. Kalau macam tengok care Portugal main, hihik goodbye laa tuan rumah :p.. Tu la salah satu untung tak keje sekarang, leh tengok bola memalam, kalau dah keje, mesti mate kuyu nyer esok pagi :P .. ANYWAY, ENGLAND MUST WIN THIS EURO 2004!!!
wordless wednesday #659
2 hours ago
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