Monday, May 31, 2004

Laptop ku sudah kembali

Heloo, laptop KU sudah kembali setelah berpisah sekian lame.. bukannyer ape berpindah hak milik.. emm sekarang ni dekat rumah, balik kejap sebab hantar barang, esok balik utp balik and the next day presentation with lecturer and following day is my final presentation, baru je test bende sms tu tadi and everything is still ok ..

tadi baru tengok cerite troy, hai lame betul, nasib baik laa balik ibu dan bapa tak bising :D.. ok for me troy is quite violence jugak, tak setujuk betul sebab troy tu classification die U. hai banyak sangat bunuh-bunuh, bahaya kalau budak kecik tengok.

kalau nak ikutkan cerite tu is tak patut. ye la die tunjukkan peperangan dekat troy tu berlaku kerana seorang perempuan. hai rase geramm tengok orlando bloom last last die yang selamat, kesian hector. anyway i rated this film 4 out of 5. ok, tapi please dont bring kanak-kanak tengok, rase macam tak sesuai sangat..

ok cukup la tu.. bubye

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Lajunya Internet UTP

It seems so weird to us and me because UTP network is damn fast although i know it is predictable (becos im online in the morning) but surprisingly, i dont expect this fast. heheh lambat pun salah cepat pun salah kan. bukan ape, tergelak pulak sebab dah lame dah merasai kelembapan internet ni. bayangkan lah nak bukak email pun amik mase 10-20 minit, tu tak masuk lagi nak bukak inbox, itupun kire nasib, ni tak sampai 60 saat.. thats why kagum..

Tergelak pulak bile sorang kawan yang study dekat US, die ni ade web portal die sendiri, die punyerlaa risau kot2 dekat malaysia ni network slow sebab die nak balik soon.. hehehe, tak leh imagine tetibe die ni duduk utp, baru tau sengsaranya kiterang..

So sementara tengah lajunie, nak amik kesempatan laa tulis blog satu, kalau tak rugiii!!! ok laa cukup laa, tak tido lagi ni, seronok sangat borak2 dengan housemate ni sampai ke pagi.. sampai tak leh stop.. naja nak balik dah, lepas ni tak tau laa bile jumpe kan.. naja is my roomate back then in Etana for two years, and after we moved in to the new village, now she's my housmate. lagi satu, thanks naja belanje kiterang makan..

Nak tau satu lagi bende, semalam utp hujan.. hehehe, terkejut tak.. dah nak dekat sebulan UTP tak hujan langsung, seriously.. no kidding.. betape panas nye utp.. semalam mase tengah sibuk nak isik clearance form, boleh pulak hujan.. tak pe hujan rahmat.. lame sangat tak hujan.. i think thats all for now.. heheh..

p/s hatiku gumbira hari ni :D

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Woops Woops

Woops woopss, after all the battles, im done, woopss woopss, no more exam, woops, woops, no more assignments, woops woops, exam dah habis, woopppss woopss, kene start packing, woopps woopss countdown lagi 3 hari :)... woopss woopss im free, woopss woops, dont ask me anything bout work or pursuing my master. woopss woopss, im wanna have fun for a while, woopss wooopss....

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Seafood with Housemates

Front : Karen, Ifa, Najah Back: Nolee, Wei Nee, Mira and Ujie Click here for more..

Ampun Ain, gambar Ain takde, tapi ade dalam Mira nyer fotopages :).. sebab tak de gambar semua orang ade, sorang mesti kene jadi photographer... Sori erk Ain, sebab gambar ni Ain jadi camerawoman :) Waa kiterang makan seafood dekat lumut dengan housemates.. best best especially ade sotong masak goreng tepung (my fave).. walaupun sembilan je datang dari 12orang housemates, tapi kami sangat sangat bergumbira walaupun exam tak habih lagi.. Pecah rekod, i voluntereed nyanyi kat depan dengan NOLEEE... ujie, karen n eppy pun took part jugak.. buat macam kedai seafood tu kiterang punyer, ehehe mane tak nye dah duduk depan stage...

Lame betul kiterang jadik housemates since 2001, lepas ni, im sure i will miss all of you... !!! muah!! thanks for the sweet memorable with all of u... :)

Friday, May 21, 2004

Happy Birthday Hana

HanaNurhana Bt Baharudin, my bestest friend ever and she will always be on top of the list of my friends. Ok, she just reached 22 on 20 May and I know this post its one day late, sorry sangat hana, i ade paper yesterday, so quite bz last couple of days and not to mention network is really really awful.

Yerp, talking about hana, she just like my twin and again and again I love to give one statement "tapi bile dah besar dah tak nampak macam twin dah sebab I makin kembang". A lot of precious moment we did together especially during our school days. Dulu, I dah pernah post my relationship about hana, but that was in previous website which already considered as "my deleted memory" so it is new here.

Let me refresh one by one how did I knew this girl...

That time I were in Standard One and we were in different class. I was in 1 anggerik while she was in 1 raye. I never knew who this girl was until one time, my friend told me, (during recess) "Wan "they used to call me Wan during primary school) tu la Hana" and I was not sure what was my expression that time but most probably - "Oh, ok" and I could not remember why my friend mentioning about Hana. The story ended up there.

Masuk darjah due, kiterang in the same class - 2 raya. This is where I met beautiful young lady :) kiterang duduk sebelah-sebelah tapi mase tu tak de ketara sangat orang cakap muke kiterang same. From there, we became close friend until now. Mase dalam darjah due, ingat lagi tak Hana si Amirahman (dunno where he is rite now) :) , die jadi ketua kelas and cikgu fatimah. Mase kecik-kecik dulu suke sangat tulis name budak bising dekat papan hitam bile time cikgu takde and always volunteered myself to do that job.. hehe, tapi biase laa bile jadik tukang tulis name tu, kroni laa, kawan-kawan kite tak tulis tapi mase bile ntah, tak tau sape tulis name, and then cikgu fatimah mase tu mood die tak baik kot, die denda sape yang ade name kat blackboard tu. Cikgu tu cubit pulas-pulas kat perut, alaa cubit yang kecik-kecik tu. Sakit woo mase tu..

Masuk darjah tige, hehe lagi best, konon-konon rase dah besar sikit, senior sikit laa mase tu sebab mase tu sekolah petang, so paling tue budak darjah tige. Mase tu I jadik pengawas, tak tau laa mase tu kenape suke sangat jage pintu gate sekolah - hari jumaat datang sekolah kul 12 lebih, then sanggup jage pintu sampai habis orang sembahyang jumaat. (sebab tu laa, kulit I gelap) Hehe, hana laa kadang-kadang tukang teman.. kan kan :) mase ni jugak hana selalu update cite mak die tengah mengandungkan adik die. Oh ya, I remember kenape my friend mention bout you mase darjah satu, die tunjuk tu laa hana - anak tunggal.. kalau tak silap laa..

Darjah empat, kiterang dah pandai sikit suke orang ni suke orang tu.. haha.. ingat tak mase darjah empat ni, bile sebut ade je bende pasal hijau (hana) ke biru (me) ke and merah (alaa dengan budak taman tar tu) tige – tige akan "Ehem-ehem" sebeab mase tu obses sangat dengan rumah sukan. darjah empat ni rase macam adventure sikit. Ingat tak hana, Sophie pernah bawak kite pi kat kawasan hutan kat belakang sekolah dengan baju sekolah. Sekali dah masuk tu, berape kali ntah masuk situ dengan baju-baju sekolah. Tak tau laa hutan kat belakang sekolah tu ade lagi tak sampai sekarang. Then kitenyer group suke sangat main masuk-masuk meje dekat satu kelas yang memang simpan meje-meje yang tak pakai and terletak dekat kelas yang memang dah tak gune. Kalau piker-pikir balik, berani nyer kite kan, dah laa kelas tu orang tak gune, sesuke hati je kite main masuk-masuk bawah meje dengan paku-paku lagi + dengan baju sekolah. Hana, I still remember when u told us that u got a brother, I mean how happy you are that time.. 5 januari 1992...

Darjah lime, kite tusyen same dengan Uncle. Mase ni hana uncle bagi gelaran Hana-murugaya. Murugaya tu jaga dekat sekolah (hahaha). Mase tusyen ni laa hana memang rajin sangat datang rumah, mira pun mase tu, suke sangat ikut hana balik jalan kaki, darjah lime kalau tak silap hana datang sekolah naik basikal. Mase tu I naik bas sekolah, tapi boleh bilang dengan jari bape kali sangat time balik, I naik bas sekolah. Tapi bile sampai rumah Rais yatim tu, hana ikut kanan, I ikut kiri, tapi kekadang hana balik rumah opah die. Ooh rumah opah hana dekat je ngan rumah kite.. Both of us memang close dengan family masing-masing.. my siblings panggil hana kak chor- name yang hana tak suke dengar .. hahaha... Rasenyer mase darjah lime ni laa orang dah start banyak cakap kite kembar. Maybe selalu sangat buat bende same-same.. even our parents pun cakap kan.. haha mase kat tusyen banyak bende, ingat tak dengan abang-abang kat tusyen yang mase tu dah form 5. that time we were just standard 5, tapi saham dah boleh tahan dah kan,.. hahahaha (sorry yang, ni refresh balik - jgn mare)

Darjah enam, lagi laa banyak, mase ni hana dah jadi pengawas tapi sebenarnyer kite ni pengganas kan.. haha.. mase tu both of us gile kuase, banyak betul pegang jawatan-jawatan kat sekolah.. hana remember tak that time, setiap ape yang I masuk, kene jadik bendahari, 1 2 je jawatan lain.. so banyak betul kene simpan duit.. kalau dalam kelas 6 raye tu, rasenyer meje kitelaa paling meriah dengan gabungan si yamin, yati and deb.. woo meriah.. maklum laa duduk belakang sekali dalam kelas tapi pergh.. cikgu salbiah selalu "yang belakang tu ..." cikgu salbiah mase kiterang darjah enam tak pernah betul recognize kiterang mane satu.. Selalunyer sape yang jumpe both of us jarang2, memang susah nak cam, tapi kalau dah kenal rapat, orang akan tak same pun muke..

Ok, form 1 form 2 form tak de bende sangat nak cite sebab kiterang sekolah lain-lain. Hana masuk SMK hulu kelang, and mira masuk SMK Taman Melawati, tapi we still updated masing-masing. Mase tu tinggal sekawasan lagi, cik hana ni laa yang ajar cik mira tengok wayang. Kalau nak tau, my parents kalau bab2 nak keluarrumah ni memang straight sikit laa (sampai sekarang) compared to hana's parents. Mase tu nak keluar tengok wayang, banyak betul syarat my mum kasik, one of it, kene potong rambut dulu baru leh tengok wayang, so hana ni laa sanggup teman kan dari jauh, pi kat atas seven eleven tu potong rambut. Pastu baru boleh pi tengok wayang theatre 3 ampang point tu (dah tak de dah sekarang) nak tau cite ape kiterang tengok Bisikan Cinta. Maria Farida & Azhar Sulainman. Hahaha. Oh, hana ni jugak laa ajar I macam mane nak naik bas, sebab selalunyer kalau nak pi mane-mane, my parents yang amik n anta. Kalau tak sampai sudah tak reti.. hehehe

Masuk Form 4, tak sangke pulak both of us dapat same school. MRSM Jasin. so as usual, kiterang rapatttt balik. Malam sebelum nak tolak pi MRSM tu, asyik janji je nak sampai same-same kat MRSM, so boleh dapat bilik dekat-dekat. Sekali hana sampai awal than me, so bilik lain-lainlaa.. nasib baik kan, kalau tak, tak berkembang.. Tapi macam mane pun, kite still same-same jugak. Pergi prep sampai ke form 5, kene ikut turn, hari ni I hantar hana pi kelas dulu, esok nyer hana anta i, macam couple kan.. hehe. Hantar dobi sekali, tapi banyak kali jugak la hana tolong anta kan sebab I selalu siap lambat.

What I could say, hana is very very disciplined and that's why she deserved what she has now. Tapi mase kat jasin laa, that's make us different kan :).. u r an excellent student.. really excellent.. she among the top 10 out of 300+ students, so imagine laa.. me, tak tau laa orang ke berape.. *sigh*. Tapi tak pe laa, rezeki masing-masing, but if I could turn back time, of cos I want to be at the same pace with u. But doesn't mean I dint enjoy my life at Jasin, I did, sangat-sangat.. kehidupan kat asrama memang lain, where we treasure our friendship. Tapi kat post ni tak nak laaelaborate pengalaman kat jasin..

Although now hana is pursuing her studies at university of Sheffield, but our story is always updated. Kalau hana balik Malaysia, kiterang tak pernah miss seeing each other. Anyway hana, ape-ape pun yang jadi lepas ni, u r still my best friend ever.. hehehe.. orait, this is my longest post ever.. heheh :) ok rase cukup laa kan.. ok, happy birthday moga panjang umur dan murah rezeki. May Allah bless all of us.. and good luck for your final exam.. MISS YA!! MUAH!!
Suratan Atau Kebetulan

Sesuatu yang tak disangka
Seringkali mendatangi kita
Itukah satu suratan dalam kehidupan
Atau sekadar satu kebetulan

Kita asyik membicarakan
Persoalan hidup dan pilihan
Serta kejujuran semakin berkurangan
Masih tiada bertemu jawapan

Walau kita dihadapkan dengan berbagai pilihan
Mengapa sering terjadi
Pilihan tak menepati
Hingga amat menakutkan
Menghadapi masa depan
Seolah telah terhapus sebuah kehidupan yang kudus

Pertemuan sekali ini
Bagi diri ku amat bererti
Tapi ku bimbang untuk menyatakan
Bimbangkan berulang kesilapan

( Ulang Rangkap * )

Sesuatu yang tak disangka
Seringkali mendatangi kita
Itukah satu suratan dalam kehidupan
Atau sekadar satu kebetulan


kenal lagu nie? nie lagu tema cite "Rindu Semakin Jauh" abes mlm nie... Suratan Atau Kebetulan .. menarik lirik die kan... thats life.. yg tak disangka.. itu laa yg datang.. best citer nie.. among the best malay telenovela... rosyam nor plak tue yg buat.. mmg class

my previous few years especially within the last 2 years are very eventful (the best word i can think of.. ) .. a lot of thing happen.. things that change the direction of my current and future life... i met mira.. i graduate.. practical & work with PPK.. sambung master uitm.. buat haji ngan ayah.. buat thesis master... interview lecturer uitm.. then immediately start work as lecturer at kolej legenda.. (i yet to apply any other institution.. i just submit my resume to them when i accompanied mira to career i'm here) not to mention some other think like Vhost Solutions.. how eventful.. kekadang terasa betapa my life is full of kebetulan yg mengatur hidup nie... point by point

at some point i do admit that sometimes i face huge burden.. alhamdulillah i manage to cope with most of it... in my first blog post.. i still remember that i post the tafsir of albaqarah.. ayat terakhir surah albaqarah..the initial meaning.. "Dan tidak Aku bebankan ke atas kamu melainkan kamu mampu memikulnya.." sayang blog initial tue dah ilang.. ade post dari mekah tue... taper laa tade rezeki.. yerp.. from time to time i always faced huge burden/obstacle.. i admit and agree that one of the main reason of the big obstacle/burden is because of my high ambition and target.. some are achieved.. some are not.. i will still try to achieve the things that i have not have the chance to fulfill it before.. especially for the Vhost part.. now is the best time i believe..

currently.. my life at Kolej Legenda is ok.. being a lecturer is more relaxing from an engineer... i simply enjoy teaching ... my english speaking is improving (i'm teaching in english for IT subject.. later i'll teach back in Malay for UTM program).. i teach two subject currently.. computer platform and computing solutions.. computer platform is like introduction to computer technology .. quite an easy subject.. while computing solutions is more like MIS... a bit challenging.. but also enjoy to teach.. i need to develop content for computing solutions as they only provide me with weekly planning... the most enjoying part is when we create/choose assignment question for the student.. hehhe.. senang jerk jd pensyarah.. bagi keje.. student kene buat.. one interesting fact is 12 out of 14 student in my CP class is chinese from China.. the english level of student from china are not very good... but luckily they are final year and their english is quite OK laa... next week is holiday.. i need to prepare the assessment question/assignment for both subject...

i also been a mentor for around 20 students.. mentor is like counselor.. the main reason for this program is to be the guider and to help student in any problem that they may faced... retaining the student in the college is the priority.. currently have good relation with them.. some of them even ask me to help to send them to seremban bus station as they want to go home for the one week holiday.. (boleh kan yang.. heheh)... .. the additional work is quite burdensome but the good relationship with the student ease the burden...

the worst part of being mentor is when any of your student move out of the college.. then the management will point the finger to the mentor as like the mentor doesnt do his/her job... this really demotivate us .. we do additional job without any additional pay then suddenly being flame for things that is not in our hand..

now pepetang main tenis and jogging.. tengah belaja main.. ok laaa.. hehhe.. belajar ngan pak pak sumenye... kat sinie jugak ramai lecturer dari negara lain mcm indonesia,pakistan & india.. thats why my english is improving.. hehe

hmm.. quite a long post today...ok laa lepas rehat panjang.. asyik mira jerk post.. cian die.. heheh..

itulah.. this is life... manusia hanya merancang.. Allah jua yg menentukan dan mengetahui segalaNya...

ps:for the mean time.. the song above will be my fav song..:)

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Happy Birthday Baba!!!

Gambar paling cepat nak letak..

Dear Baba,

Do you know that you are the best father in the world? Do you know that you are the important man in my life? Do you know that im here in UTP because of your courage? Do you know theres thousand words out there to describe about my beloved Baba.. Anyway... This is my main point...

Happy Birthday.. Semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki kite sekeluarge. Tak leh nak tulis panjang-panjang or put any pictures here because our network here in utp is not stable. Nanti create penat-penat sekali tak boleh nak upload.. Yang ni pun lame betul nak tunggu upload. Ok, doakan mira OK for my upcoming final examination.

p/s tak tau laa pulak esok boleh tak nak buat pasal hana, with this unpredictable network.. tomorrow her birthday..

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Research paper is over, I bet there were the BIG sigh from us, the paper is not that hard (still, I am not confident) but it requires more time to complete it. I just hope there is a miracle to turn my answers into how the Grade A student's answer it.

More ramblings from me after the research paper. And today is TV time from me because I have been glued to TV from 9 till 1 am. Starting from Bintang HMI, then American Idol, then switch to Parent Trap, then Survivor and from time to time I watched the Thomas Game between Denmark and Indonesia. I am positive that Malaysian player able to win during quarter final, but luck comes into play. Who expect Roslim Hashim lost his matched for 12 minutes? Who expect the young K.K. Koo played beyond our expectations?

Lets forget on how Roslin has disappoint us with his BAD BAD BAD performance. It is so embarrassing for such professional player obviously did not show his commitment and spirit during the game. Lets talk about some THING - K.K. Koo has caught our attention. What I could say, Yap Kim Hock and Misbun Sidek should take care of him as he has a very promising future and will be a good player one day since he is still young and has a better future to carry on. He has the potential especially in the stifling quarter-final against hosts and defending champions Indonesia, in which he overcame a nervous start to have an outstanding match. So, hopefully the BAM giving him a chance in exposing him for the future tournament where his skills can be sharpen.

Oh ya, Survivor All Star comes to the end as I predicted earlier, Amber wins the Soul Survivor title. She is so beautiful with the I-Love-Rob Tshirt and that was memorable tribal council when Rob proposed Amber before the announcement. Although Rob has backstabbed most of the juries, but again that is the rule of the game. -The Best Man Wins- For me, Rob deserved to win as he played with strategies and he wins most immunities challenge. But again, Amber wins.

p/s - Looking forward to watch Survivor without any betrayer, backstabber etc. I mean the clean version of Survivor.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Exam Fever!!!

Examination Timetable

This is my exam schedule for the upcoming exam. Pray for my success, thank you. Honestly im looking forward to do my Arabic paper while Research paper give me a BIG headache because I don't know how to start or where to start. Maybe it is so much into reading. Oh ya, why im taking Arabic? actually im taking Corporate Management as minor subjects and since i have finished taking all the subjects, so i decided to take Arabic language. Learning a new language its quite challenging especially when we dont have any basic background, but for me, it's fun. Lastly, doakan we as the final year student berjaya and SCORE.. amin......

p/s welcome BABA and MAMA to my blog..

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mothers Day especially dedicated to my mum. Selamat Hari Ibu juga kepada seluruh ibu di dunia. Johnson & Johnson ads is the best advertisement describing your mum for this year. It quotes your mum as "bantalku, keretaku, restorenku and segalanya" which definitely is true. Without your mum, we can not be what we are having now because doa mak is the best doa for us.

To describe my mum, yerp my mum is one of the super hero in the world, she can do all jobs in one time. As a student (she still study), as a lecturer, as a mother of seven, as a wife, as a daughter (last time, before my arwah opah passed away, she's the one taking care of my opah) and as grand daughter (and taking care of my nenek too until now). Its not that easy to handle a lot of responsibilities at one time.

In my previous website, I have written something about my mum and last month I have written one essay about my mum. Actually that essay I wanted to submit for one of Mother's Day Contest. Since I had written it earlier, so I just saved it in my computer and unfortunately I have forgotten about the essay and when I realized, the submission date is over. Anyway, I am not regret at all, as long as my mum still besides me through sorrow and pain, sweet and bitter :).. I love you MAMA..

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Writing vs heart

Writing is one way in expressing yourself towards your surrounding but still it depends on the interest of the writer. To write, it requires your brains to work - combining the words together actually it is the toughest job. You have the idea but when you want to write, always the blank paper and the pen witnesses your "what-to-write-huh?"

Last time I used a pen and a piece of paper to write, and after I had finished writing, I throw the paper away. Ok, its just like that I didn't appreciate my thoughts but the main point why I wrote was I want someone to hear my deepest emotions. Yerp, I do admit I have family and friends but there are certain things that we have to keep it as secret. Our own secret.

This relates to blogging. Some of us really put personal matters to be shown to public. What will be readers thinking when they read about your family matters aka family getting divorce, parents arguments and etc on your website. I had browsed to these kinds of websites lately and I don't know whether these can be categorized as open minded or cool. For me, I don't think so!!

So to other bloggers or webmasters think before you write, because your writing perhaps will reflect back to your personality and worst part, giving the bad impression not just for your but your family or whoever that you talked about.

Friday, May 07, 2004

At lab..

Just got back to UTP yesterday, and since it is study week so the aura for examination is nearer. Whether you believe it or not, this is my last exam if I decide not to pursue my study until master level. Opss I mention IF..

I'm in the lab right now, just met my new supervisor since Puan Hasiah has gone back to kampong for maternity. Asking my new supervisor about our coming oral presentation, aahh and of course there's a lot of things need to be improved especially the contents of presentation.

Right now, I might say that I am quite free since all presentations and classes are over. But here, I would like to highlight one of my lecturer's quotes during our last class with him. He is Mr. Shuib, my Research and Development lecturer and every IT and IS students knows him VERY well especially during presentation. What he comments is straight to the point and very pedas but alhamdulillah until now, I'm saved :)

Ok, there's a lot of stories but let it be our UTP student's secret. This is the quote that he mentioned and it is quite interesting "Let me be the black sheep among the white" See, sometimes it is true, we as the students always exposed to linear lecturer and when we have to face this kind of character, we are afraid and not ready. To face the new world after this, it is the fact that we have to handle all kinds of attitudes if we want to adapt to the new world. So, what Mr Shuib is doing its a good practice for us to learn so that we are not shocked if we see this kind of characteristic in the future.

I do admit, what we are thinking is different so this is my opinion and for me it is not that I am supportive but being more realistic.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Chicken pox

Chicken pox
Ainun ika mase demam campak.. sori gambar gelap sikit.. Click here for more..

Chicken pox is caused by a virus called varicella zoster (say: vair-ih-seh-luh zos-ter) and most people who catch it are under 15 years old. Once a person is exposed to the virus, it takes between 2 and 3 weeks before the symptoms appear. Adults who contract chicken pox are usually more ill.

Actually, my two sisters developed chickenpox for the last two weeks. First is from Ainun, most possibly got the virus from her school. Then last few days, the virus has spread out to Azyan. Although they have gone through the vaccination but vaccination is only successful for some people.

I still remember last time when I got chicken pox, (that was in 1993) I have been quarantined by my father because my mum was pregnant and that time also, Ainun started to walk.

That time, my arwah pah and arwah tok wan used daun bambu and this daun bambu is applied during showering. But these days, the traditional method has been transferred with a cream that I might say, it much more convenient.

Anyway, a person who has chickenpox can pass it to someone else by coughing or sneezing. When he coughs, sneezes, laughs, and even talks, teeny tiny drops come out of his mouth and nose. These drops are full of the chickenpox virus. If someone else breathes the drops in or gets them on her hands and touches her mouth or nose, the virus can get in her body. So, this is what Azyan always teased her brother (Shahiran) because he is still save from chicken pox virus.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Siti Zaihasni's wedding

Siti Zaihasni.. with me and Em Click here for more..

Selamat pengantin baru to Siti Zaihasni.. Yerp she is a friend of mine during primary school and we havent meet after standard six.. Thanks to Nadia because invited me to this wedding.. Was so excited cos i ve met several of "lost contact" friends.. Nadia, Nurul Firdaus (tapi tak sempat nak tegur), fariesha, nik aimi, avelia and zai herself..

Zai's house is near to my primary school and its been a long time i dint pass that road after my family moved. Bile tengok sekolah tu, teringat balik zaman kanak-kanak that is full of fun and excitement.. and now its 10 years after i left that school.. dah tue dah.. :) Then, i pergi King's Confectionary.. seronok tengok collection of buns.. paling seronok bile tengok bun yang mira tergile2 kan dulu tu still ade and still in the same size... asyik excited je aritu.. :)

Anyway, Selamat Pengantin Baru to Siti Zaihasni n husband. Sori tak dapat nak amik gambar husband Zai.. Sebab susah betul nak kejar pengantin due ni especially Zai, active betul :) Masuk laa fotopages kalau nak tengok all the picss... :)

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